
It's been hard to write about love with a broken heart. I'm sorry for the lack of updates and communication. I needed some time away to heal so I could come back and give you all my best work. Stay tuned. 
          	Love ya'll


Hi everyone! Long time no talk, I would like to thank everyone for respecting my hiatus regarding some things that were going on with me personally. I just wanted to announce that I am beginning to write again, not sure when chapters will be uploaded as I am not ready to have a consistent upload schedule again but I just thought I should let you all know that I am back to writing and in my healing process. 
          Thank you all for being so supportive during this time, and I'll see you in the stories!


Hi Guys, just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the current upload time frame is going to be a little disrupted for a while. I just went through a pretty bad breakup so things are kinda hard for me right now, I will still be updating my stories but if there are longer wait times between chapters that is why. I thought you all deserved to know. 


ElizaPWinchester I’m sorry I didn’t and I’m also sorry that your going through that


Hey quick question are you editing Daddy’s Little girl I noticed that there are some chapters missing?


@SailorMoon138 OMG YAY! I’m so glad!! Thanks for the support! Can’t wait for you to see the new chapter! Hugs! 


@ElizaPWinchester Everything been fixed I can see all the chapters again thanks for helping me 


Hey guys! So I wanted to come on here and apologize for the lack of updates. I got locked out of my account somehow and all the chapters I had written ahead of time to publish while I was on vacation got deleted. I had written about 15 chapters and was in the process of writing another so now I have to start over again so I hope you’ll all be patient with me! Just wanted to let everyone know! Sorry guys! 


Hi all! Long time no chat, sorry I’ve been gone so long, but ya girls laptop became toast. I’ve had Earl for a long time and he finally gave out, but! Not to worry my lovelies, we have a new laptop, he does not have a name yet but! New laptop means I can get back to regularly scheduled updates! 
          Now that I’m back! A few announcements…
          Not to worry, an update for Daddy’s Little Girl IS COMING! Since Earl took the piss, I have been able to come up with new ideas and refine some old ones. There’s gonna be a lot of Easter eggs hidden in the coming chapters and everyone get ready for when the group gets to Alexandria because y’all will be on the edge of your seats! 
          I’m grateful for all you guys for sticking with me while I’ve gotten my laptop situation taken care of and appreciate your support and patience! 
          Please keep sending in your edits and fanart for Daddy’s little girl! I’m loving what I’ve seen, there have only been one or two sent to me but they’re sick as hell. 
          I am also potentially making a Spotify playlist specifically for Daddy’s Little Girl! Let me know if anyone would like to see that! 
          I am extremely proud of what I have been writing and I hope you all like it to! I’m gonna get back to writing and being a student, and you guys just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! 
          Stay Un-Bitten my lovelies! 


im so seated im waiting patiently ive missed my girl katie


You ever gonna continue she-wolf the next avenger


Well if you need help ask


Right now I have put it on hold for my walking dead story but if there is enough demand for it I will! 