
Hello! I'm currently bored out of my mind and was wondering if anyone would like to rping? It would most likely be about black butler sense that's what this account is based on, but if you'd like I'd totally be up for creating a plot with two oc's thats not evolved around the bb universe. I typically prefer literate or advanced literate roleplays, but semi lit is fine to, but  those are the only styles I do. Please pm me or comment if your interested! <3


@CalmGuy9 Wonderful! Go ahead and pm me!


Hello! I'm currently bored out of my mind and was wondering if anyone would like to rping? It would most likely be about black butler sense that's what this account is based on, but if you'd like I'd totally be up for creating a plot with two oc's thats not evolved around the bb universe. I typically prefer literate or advanced literate roleplays, but semi lit is fine to, but  those are the only styles I do. Please pm me or comment if your interested! <3


@CalmGuy9 Wonderful! Go ahead and pm me!



@JulieTrancy Gasp, i love you to frien :3!


            Your welcome! I sent it to everyone I love on Wattpad and you’re one of them❤️


@JulieTrancy Omg, this just made my day, thank you so much for sharing this piece of art with me you amazing wonderful person!!! ❤ ;-;