
I see that I haven’t missed the Wattys this year. :) I’m extremely happy for that. I was telling my mom and my brother about this app and the writing competitions they have. I’m gonna start writing a new Supernatural fanfic since I can’t enter Being Dean’s Impala. Don’t worry. I will finish. I see that lots of people have been adding it to their reading list. I might start a new romance as well as post more chapters to Beautiful Nightmare. I’m on chapter 8 or 9 now of that so hopefully I’ll get it done soon. Sorry for taking so long to write for you guys. Being without a job is depressing:( I’ll see you soon! ❤️


I see that I haven’t missed the Wattys this year. :) I’m extremely happy for that. I was telling my mom and my brother about this app and the writing competitions they have. I’m gonna start writing a new Supernatural fanfic since I can’t enter Being Dean’s Impala. Don’t worry. I will finish. I see that lots of people have been adding it to their reading list. I might start a new romance as well as post more chapters to Beautiful Nightmare. I’m on chapter 8 or 9 now of that so hopefully I’ll get it done soon. Sorry for taking so long to write for you guys. Being without a job is depressing:( I’ll see you soon! ❤️


Posted the first three chapters to my novel Beautiful Nightmare! I’ve been working on it for years. So please let me know honestly what you think of it. It would mean the world to me!  I hope you enjoy reading and I’ll get back to working on the supernatural fanfics soon. ❤️❤️ 


Been dealing with the stress of working with the new manager who’s lazy and doesn’t do anything and just got fired for not taking it anymore. So, I’ll be on here way more often until I find another job. I’ll try to post tomorrow. Sorry for making y’all wait so long for content. This year has not been good for me :( 


Long time no see! I will be updating Being Dean’s Impala by the 9th or 11th so be prepared for that. I will also be uploading more since I restarted Supernatural and I’m feeling inspired! I hope to upload some original stories as well. I hope you guys enjoy! I may or may not have another Dean story lined up. 


Finally back!!! Gonna keep working on my stories and start some new ones. Maybe a Sonny Carisi story since I’ve gotten into svu over the past year and am head over heels for him I thought I might try a story with him in it. :) sorry I haven’t been on. The app wasn’t working on my IPhone. But now it is after a few updates. Can’t wait to be uploading again soon :) 


Haven't posted anything in a while and I'm sorry for that. I will try and update soon when I'm not working so much. But I will be posting a new story soon and unpublsishing some stories that people aren't reading. The new story will be a Markiplier fanfic. Imagines and one shots actually. But thank you guys for your patience and and understanding. I hope your guys 2017 has been great so far. Talk to you soon.