
Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting for a long time I've just been in a very long writer's block and it sucked I've also been really busy with life just trying to live my life but hopefully I can start putting out more stories I have a job as well so my days off are fridays saturdays and Sundays so expect stories and more chapters of my Dean Winchester book on those days


Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting for a long time I've just been in a very long writer's block and it sucked I've also been really busy with life just trying to live my life but hopefully I can start putting out more stories I have a job as well so my days off are fridays saturdays and Sundays so expect stories and more chapters of my Dean Winchester book on those days


Hey guys sorry i havent posted lately ive been sick its not covid it a parasite that i am on track to get rid of but i will be posting more stories like more markiplier and a new imagine for ethan nestor/crankgameplays cause i have a lot of stories ive written that i want to post which i hope you guys like and ive been getting alot of comments on my buckys truth or dare story about the height thats my height i just havent removed it and i probably wont and i dont have cause its my story lol but im glad you guys like it and ill try to post more bucky barnes stories when i can im just on the train of markiplier and ethan nestor/crankgameplays 


Hey guys sorry for the hiatus ive just been busy with my job and other stuff but hopefully i will be posting new stories about bucky and new oneshots of other celebs and youtubers i simp for like markiplier amd crankgameplays for youtubers wise and johnny depp etc just give me more time and i will post 


Hey guys so I have decided to make a final part for my bucky series because now the new show came out the falcon and the winter soldier I don't know how I'm gonna end it the story but ill see when the show ends which I don't know when thats gonna happen either lol no one does but I'm excited for what the show brings us bucky and falcon fans and another note I am gonna try to put more stories up I'm just super busy and I've been trying to get my head straight so sorry for the delay also I am gonna make a part 2 for the story powers because everyone who read it has commented they want a part 2 


Hey guys i hope you enjoyed my first bucky part, part 2 coming soon. i know that it seems that I'm copying the movie so far but as it goes on in the parts I'm putting my own stuff into the story actually in one of the parts it will tell my entire back story and how i met the boys  


Whoever follows me and reads my stories I'll be posting a 4 part story about bucky it will have me in the movies but I'll be having my own parts in them so it's my own in take of my life with bucky and avengers so don't think I'm fully copying the movie if that what you think