
Hey everyone I hope you are all having a great day! I just wanted to let you know It Was Always You is now live. The first two chapters are up and more is coming!!! Please always feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks! ♡


@ElizabethDiMattei wow that’s nice ..I am so sorry for stumbling into your comment ...I don’t know what you are up to now am sorry if I may disturb you ..I am just using Wattpad days ago so I decided to check on some profile until I met you here ..I just wanna be friends and learn reading all this novel may reason I sent a follow request please accept me back i know is of no use to you but I just wanna be friend noting more please accept my follow request ......May the light of God always shine upon your life in this year forever happiness is always your name forever amen 


Hey everyone I hope you are all having a great day! I just wanted to let you know It Was Always You is now live. The first two chapters are up and more is coming!!! Please always feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks! ♡


@ElizabethDiMattei wow that’s nice ..I am so sorry for stumbling into your comment ...I don’t know what you are up to now am sorry if I may disturb you ..I am just using Wattpad days ago so I decided to check on some profile until I met you here ..I just wanna be friends and learn reading all this novel may reason I sent a follow request please accept me back i know is of no use to you but I just wanna be friend noting more please accept my follow request ......May the light of God always shine upon your life in this year forever happiness is always your name forever amen 


Hey everyone, the updates on Life Together will be  slow this week. It's a very busy week for me personally plus I've decided to switch up the next couple of chapters and story ending. I promise to get it all worked out this week and will have it done by next weekend the latest. Thanks for understanding enjoy your week!!! 


No problem! Have a good week!