
Happy New Year!


Hi readers! How are you? Are you doing well?
          I've been thinking about it, and I was wondering if any of you would want to do an advice giving event sort of thing? I've been writing fanfictions for a while now, but I'm haven't been able to get any constructive criticism or advice. As I thought about that, it donned on me that others might have the same problem. So I was wondering if any authors might want to do an advice train?
          For those of you who are confused, let me explain further.
          The advice train would be a list of stories from a bunch of authors that want constructive criticism on their works. We would choose a day and a time for readers to log on and give comments and tips for the stories via the conversation area on each author's home page. Of course the list of stories would need to be posted on each participating author prior to the event. Advertising would also need to be done beforehand on each page, to make sure that enough people know about it.
          Now that I've that explained a bit more, what do you think? I'd really love to hear your thoughts on this.


Alright, authors out there who write about villains and antagonists, are you annoyed about the complaints concerning stereotypical motives? I am. I have been trying to make a character have a good motivation(In evil terms) for quite awhile now, but I can't seem to do it. Everybody is always like, "Ooh, they went the lazy way and just made the bad guy/girl want power. LLLAAAMMMMEEE!" But if you look at popular stories, that is ALL the villain wants. Examples:
          Sauron - Wants ultimate cosmic power to rule the world
          Darth Vader - Wants ultimate cosmic power to save Padme
          The bad guy from Bleach whose identity I won't spoil - Wants ultimate cosmic power
          I don't do Harry Potter, but I'm sure the villain wants powerful magic
          Jafar - ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER (without the living space.
          Anyway, my point is this; Don't complain about Stereotypical motives if your going to turn around and support all the franchises, and more, listed above. Because they have the "stereotypical" antagonist profile.
          *Takes deep breath* My goodness that was a lot.


World Building: Post 2
          Hi! So this is a list of questions that I have asked myself and others about their worlds. It is kind of a deep list, but there are probably a lot of questions that anyone can use no matter what level of world building they are doing.
          Here you go:
          Who lives in the world?
          Who runs it?
          Who is considered evil?
          Who is considered good?
          Did someone create the world?
          Did the world spontaneously come to be?
          What kind of world is it? Or more specifically, what kind of land is it?
          Are there special minerals and rocks?
          What kind of water is there?
          Is there a sun, and if so, how many are there?
          Same with the moon. If there is one, how many are orbiting the world?
          Is there even outer space surrounding the world?
          What kind of trees are there?
          What kind of plants grow in the world?
          What kind of dirt?
          What color is the sky?
          Is the world flat, or round?
          Is there electricity?
          Is there fire?
          Does the world have oxygen?
          Do it or the inhabitants need oxygen?
          What is the gravity like?
          How hard is it to grow food?
          How difficult is it to make clothing?
          What kind of technology does it have?
          Are there large cities?
          What kind of transportation exists?
          What kind of animals are there?
          Well, those are just a few questions, but I hope they help you. If you want more lists of questions like these, please leave a comment. I want to know what you all are thinking!


World Building!!!!!!!
          Alright, so of course there are advice blogs like Twitter, and Pinterest, and basically any other social media site out there, where you can find writing advice. But, on my page I'm going to give you, drum roll please, the EXACT SAME ADVICE!!! Ok, not the same advice, but there are a lot of good tips out there that sound like mine. 
          Moving on.
          When starting out with creating a world, the first thing you need to do is figure out  how much of it you want.  For example, the Star Wars universe. Many people love the force wielding Jedi (or Sith) and the worlds that are shown. But when looking at what we are shown in the movies, how much do we really know about that "world"? Sure we see different planets, we know the currency, and there are definitely aliens, but we don't receive tons of information. Only enough to get us through the story with minimal confusion. I'm not trying to harsh on Star Wars here as this tactic is perfectly expectable, but I do want to point out the lack of world knowledge. 
          When starting to build your world, you need to figure out how much of it your readers will see. Are you going to want them to know article 4 of the second division in the congressional papers of the Great Western Empire? Or do you want them to simply know that a Great Western Empire exists?
          Before you can get into any details for world building you must know how far you as the author are going to go.
          I know this might seem like an underwhelming tip, but it will help you manage your time and keep you moving forward as you create more of your world. Our jobs as authors are already time consuming, lets not do more than we need or want.


Hi! So I would like to post some writing tips and plot advice here, as my "expertise" is world building and plot creation. Now, I'm not the best writer, but if I can give advice and help someone then I'd like too. 
          Anyway, starting today I will begin a world building advice series, and move on to what is needed or (hopefully) wanted.