
I found a homie :D *virtual hug of ultimate happiness* :D


@IamRockingRobyn Ow stop it you XD You make me blush :D This is not a comersial or anything but You can see my drawing in his Hipobox video the first part around 6:20 I think o.o I litteraly freaked out when I saw it in there :D And yes his mines also ^^ I'm watching him for the last 3-4 years now :D


@IamRockingRobyn OMG you know Slyfox O.O I fucking love you :D I don't want to sound cocky or something but I actually had my drawings in couple of his videos :D And eys drawing takes alot of my time and that's the main reson why I'm a no-lifer :D and he like tumblr-ed alot of my illustations for him and like "I'm famous bitch" :D


Omg, I just looked at your deviantART (Don't think im a stalker plz xD) And you are really really talented, i know i told you that about the slenderman pic here but OMG... Your art is truly amazing xD They must take you so long to draw, but they are just mind blowing :) Your art for sly fox hound is amazing btw, nice to know that someone knows who he is ;) xx