Just another little apology message to my followers on how long it's taking me between updates on For The Cameras! Thank you for sticking with me, thank you for your comments and votes - I was so pleasantly surprised to find the story at over 1000 views so quickly. Flabbergasted (and super super guilty)!
You may have noticed an entire Gavin Rossdale fic popped up in the interim - that was a super fun pet project that my best bud @foofan606 and I had been working on together since before Christmas, and while I'm sure there's not much crossover between Hiddles and Rossdale fandoms (pretty sure we invented the Rossdale fandom actually), I'm pretty proud of it - so if you're looking for something different (and have a penchant for Rock and Roll hunks of the 90's *swoon*) it may be up your alley!
Priority is now on Hiddlefic - and I promise to try and be less sloth-like with the updating.
You're all lovely! Thank you for your patience!