
I have a teaser out so please read it. I think you will like the next bit. It gets a little closer to what the story is about. Please remember Elizabeth Windstorm is a trademark name and so is The Windstorm Cronicals 


I would like to Something with you all, and that is........ I would  liken you all to. comment a subject you would like to see in my next book.  Let me help you read more.  I will more than likely use most of them. So,  don't be upset if I don't use yours first.


@ElizabethWindstorm  Thank u so much for voting for my book "Words like Swords" ! I hope you continue reading :) 


@ElizabethWindstorm Yay!! I'm really glad :))))


@MelodyRush reading it for sure. As I told BlueMeerkat I am very much a critic when it someday to what I read. So far, so good. I am loving it so far.


It's amazing! I love  the super natural. I am writing a book  right now.  I want to be published. I am working on it slowly but hopefully it will be done soon. I have been working on it for three years now. I have so much going on most of the time. Drives me crazy that it isn't finished yet. 


@ElizabethWindstorm I know the feeling! I'd like to have a glance on what you're working on sometime :-)


Actually  took  me longer than it would have normally.  I just have other things going on right now.


I'm currently working on my next chapter. Your words and votes kinda kicked me in the butt and made me wanna write :) I'm still recovering from my food poisoning, so it's a kind of slow process.


As long as you are smiling while you blush, that's fine with me.  I am enjoying the story. You have an amazing talent of making the reader want to know what happens at the end.  I will be reading the second story I found also. This is amazing. 


@ElizabethWindstorm oh I am smiling :-) Your comments just made my day :-)


You are very welcome.  I am a critic when it comes to what I read and I am  very much enjoying the stories I have read from you. I am a big fantasy reader I enjoy anything to do with vampires warewolves fairies and dragons.  Just Love it.  Thanks for sharing your talent with us. 


@ElizabethWindstorm aw thank you :-) I'm totally blushing right now!