
Remember that epiphany I mentioned the other day? Yeah, it kinda fell apart... :P


Your entire profile is so inspiring. I love your part about Jesus <3 He really is amazing and I know I don't credit Him enough. Thanks for the amazing works and everything else!!!! <3


@LastLostGirl Thank you for saying that! : ) It means a lot to hear. I'm hoping to conquer this writer's block and get back into the swing of things, hopefully post more / often; it's been so long. 
            Glanced at your profile and noticed that you are an OUAT fan. Just gotta say, I love that show!! *fangirl* 
            God bless!   -E.A.


Well folks, after months of agonizing writer's block, I finally have an idea for my story that just might tie it together.  :D I'm thinking that I'll post chapters as I write them - rather than waiting for them to be polished - for the sake of motivation. We'll see how it goes. ;P 
          Prologue coming soon! 


“This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified.” -Martin Luther