
Looking back on these posts have been great. The fact that I struggled to write 2 thousand words... thats crazy to think about. Now, I intend on making every draft at least 12 thousand words, with the recent one reaching 16 thousand. It makes me feel proud to see my progress reflected on there.


Looking back on these posts have been great. The fact that I struggled to write 2 thousand words... thats crazy to think about. Now, I intend on making every draft at least 12 thousand words, with the recent one reaching 16 thousand. It makes me feel proud to see my progress reflected on there.


Hii! Just wanted to say something for fun... When writing Introvert's Impressions' Interlude, I had a lot of inspirations. ''The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten'', ''Bottom Tier Character Tomozaki'', as well as some elements from ''Horimiya''. However, one NOT among that list was ''My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex''. After rewatching the anime myself, I can say that Yaori's resemblance to younger Yume is uncanny. Of course, the only design you readers have seen of Yaori is a chibi photo. However, I have created lots of reference art of her. And with the full design in front of me, I can't unsee it. Its an even more uncanny of a coincidence that the Iridos and Raichi and Yaori BOTH HAPPEN TO BE BOOKWORMS. I referenced Raichi and Yaori's relationship more on Tomozaki and Kikuchi's relationship, as well as Amane and Mahiru's more than anything. But the dynamic of their relationship is very similar to that of the Iridos', too, another wild coincidence. Of course, you can't have too many ideas for a romdrama lightnovel when it comes to ones grounded with being realistic and contemporary, but the fact that I almost nailed the exact same bookworm based relationship without realizing is shocking.


I apologize for the delay of the next Chapter guys. This is going to be the chapter. My plans for this are very big, and I want this to be the best it can. I scrapped a draft once or twice for this chapter, which I have never done before. I want to make sure this is as polished as possible. Fans of Yaori and Hara will love this chapter. I'm only recently figuring out my style as well, which is probably why I had to scrap 2 drafts. See you soon. This shall be finished by around the 11th or so.


Update;The story might move onto selfpublishing. I have decided its best of me to remaster Volume 1,and early chapters of Volume 2 where I landed too short of the average word goal. After the short 3 month experience I have realised that the average amount of words is like 2500-3000,which Volume 1 DEFINITELY doesnt meet. Heck,Volume 2's first half also doesnt. I might not update this page for some time,and slowly remaster Volume 1 to release volume by volume via selfpublishing. When that time comes,I shall drop the word of where it is. Afterwards the entire chapters will be seeing an overhaul and will be posted here too.


I might also just make an exact recreation on here and just call it Remastered and start writing the story from Volume 1. If that happens Im not sure whether I will delete it.


I have finally wroten another chapter after so long. Sorry for the lack of update everyone! Been busy irl. I've come a long way since my first chapter. I have been thinking about remastering Volume 1 because of how short it turned out to be. Thats only natural considering it was my first ever story. I now undersand lightnovel writing alot more clearly,and how long they are. Next chapter should come sooner than how long Chapter 10 took. Have fun with Introvert's Interesting Intuition!


Volume 2 has finally started,and its the longest Chapter yet. The chapters shall be around this long from now on. Make sure to follow the story! I will have illustrations in these chapters sooner or later,though I dont know when. I hope you guys enjoy Volume 2!


Hello! I need some more time to work on Volume 2,for personal health and quality purposes.I decided to write a short Chapter 6.5 to close things off and establish some more important plot with it. It may be a .5 Chapter but it is still plot relevant. Make sure to read it!


Hi! As of Chapter 6,Volume 1 should be complete!
          It is very appearant that the narrative is gonna be different from Chapter 4 to onward. Even though the first three chapters have more reads,I would rather have a deeper story than a shallow one with more reads.
          Depending on how deep the chapters are,Volume 2 will be either shorter or longer. I shall await the day where readers will enjoy my writing as much as I love writing it. See you guys in Volume 2!


Actually,I have decided to add one more Chapter to Volume 1. A new character shall be introduced. Look forward to it in the next 2 days!