Okay, ya'll! Shit is getting serious! CARONA VIRUS!!!! Wash your hands, don't be a hand cougher! That shit is just nasty. Stay clean and safe. This isn't gonna be like the walking dead, so chill and stop buying so much toilet paper.
Happy New Year!!!! And yes I know this is like three days late, but to be fair I was stuck in a cabin in the middle of the woods with no wifi. Ya'll would not believe the withdrawal symptoms I was having. Anyway, I hope you guys had an exceptional Year!!! EA chapters coming soon!
Hey. so at the moment I am either crying or screaming. Whichever came first. I just unpublished Goddess Kiss for reasons I can't explain. The story will be back up as soon as possible but had to be taken down for personal reasons. I am so sorry to all my readers and want you to know that it will be back. Until then, peace out :(
Some people couldn't be nice even if a Unicorn shoved a fairy wand up their ass while Judy Garland stood there singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow.