
Trying my hand at a fantasy story, about 10 chapters in! Very different writing to paranormal stories, and a lot more humour in this one. Sorry for hiatus of GWCW for anyone reading! Got two contrasting stories in my head at the minute ...


Hey  thanks for reaching out! I’m flitting on and off to write but I’m trying to focus on getting something complete before I post as I have a habit of posting as I go and then I want to change the storyline haha. Every time I go back to my story though I revise it so I’m not getting very far! 
          How are you? I’ve noticed you’ve taken down the hunt. How’s the revision of it going? 


Trying my hand at a fantasy story, about 10 chapters in! Very different writing to paranormal stories, and a lot more humour in this one. Sorry for hiatus of GWCW for anyone reading! Got two contrasting stories in my head at the minute ...