
I now have an updating schedule (look at me being all productive for once).
          	Monday:True Love (CM)
          	Wednesday: When Darkness Meets Light (SPN)
          	That is all.


We used to be on here constantly... either writing or reading. Now we barely even show up on here


@Bkooden_15 Yeah, I nearly had to reset my password just to get in here that's how long I'd been off! Then again, I've kind of fallen off the map on all social media lately. I really should work on that 


I'm sorry for the wait on True Love guys. I must've lost the papers at school or something. I just spent a couple hours writing and editing a short update.
          Posting it today though got me thinking, what if I publish it on Tuesday instead of Monday since it's the second book in the series? So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I currently have a two-hour spare so I've decided to put one hour of that to homework and one hour to writing every day. I won't chance losing any papers so I'll write everything on the computer and back it up on a memory stick. 
          Again, sorry for the wait and thank you for reading anyhow :)


I feel like I should post something because I haven't been active (Writing wise) for so long.
          Well, I haven't died. And I AM intending to continue the From Victim to Hero Criminal Minds series. At the moment though school is taking up the majority of my time and the only time I have to write is during breaks in classes. I've been taking full advantage of those breaks though and am currently working on a Supernatural fanfic (that I'd appreciate you guy  checking out) and some True Love updates. I can't promise I'll update this week since it's been pretty busy but I'm 99.79% sure I should be able to post a new chapter this Monday and continue to post each Monday going forward as I did before life got n the way.
          Thanks so much to the readers that have stuck with me and continue to remind me that they're waiting, I really enjoy reading all your comments and each vote that comes in makes me smile.
          Ella x


There's been some things going on in my life for the past little while a
          That has prevented me from updating True Love (I didn't even have wifi yesterday for the record) but I'm really sorry. I hope you'll accept this apology along with a day late chapter and the promise that I'm going to update every second Monday now (which is much more realistic with my schedule.
          Thank you for your patience,