
I NEED HELP should Rose get with Peter or nah?


Roter? nah.. Pese? it's nearly means Fish in italian Rope? Isnt IT an actual word ín english? 


We need ship names


@Ellabella0709 I know it's a bit late now but... HELL YEAH NEW SHIP ON THE HORIZON!!! 


I NEED HELP should Rose get with Peter or nah?


Roter? nah.. Pese? it's nearly means Fish in italian Rope? Isnt IT an actual word ín english? 


We need ship names


@Ellabella0709 I know it's a bit late now but... HELL YEAH NEW SHIP ON THE HORIZON!!! 


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So... um I wassss planning to write more and I know I keep sending these things apologizing  about how I’m not able to write bc things have gone to shit, yeah well things just got shittier.
          My sisters now have to quarantine bc three of their friends got Covid-19 (Caitlin and Lydia are twins btw)
          On Monday I have two CT scans and getting a small part of bacterial infection removed.
          I’ll have to get treatment at a pediatric hospital in a city a hour away from mine.
          I am back having horrid coughing fits bc my doctor took me off my inhaler, just to see what would happen. (Last time I had these asthma attack things, I had to get a x-ray to make sure I hadn’t cracked any ribs)
          So I have to try to get that under control before I rip my stitches Tuesday 
          So I’m a hot mess


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Yes is been very shitty and I haven’t been able to write, but take five fucking minutes to write three things you found funny about today + one from yesterday and read through other people’s
          1. "Bruh it was friggin spaghetti, I ain't eating no schoooool spaghetti" 
                       ~Ellie in response to being asked where her lunch was
          2. Instead of a water bottle Morgan carried around a gallon of water bottle all day at school.
          3. During Volleyball I was in position 2 for hitting, so I was supposed to yell 2
          Me: 5! no 3! 222!
          Coach:  867530 niiine
          +1. *Mama G. (R/LA teacher) listing out book  genres*
          Romance, with some good ol smut”


2. I meant apple juice, she carried around a gallon of apple juice 
            It’s not as funny now


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          Idk if you can see that but it’s “confetti corn” it’s corn mixed with a few other vegetables except it’s covered in a snotty goop
          “It’s visibly upsetting”- Rachel 
          “It tasted like sadness”- Eliana
          “What the fuck is that”- Brianna
          I’m packing lunch for school tomorrow


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So... yes I have more fucking problems so updates will be slowed
          So the storm we had is now labeled as a natural disaster search
           2020 Derecho disaster, Iowa
          Today was my first day of school, and I already have three things of homework but at least I got to see my girlfriend 
          So I’m now (getting ready) at school from 6:30-3:05 then Volleyball (which I didn’t even want to do) 3:10-5:30 blah blah blah
          Long story short I can’t write very often and my mom takes my phone at 8:30 bc I’m not “responsible enough to go to bed at a reasonable time”
          TLDR: I won’t be able to write during the week with the exception of Wednesday 
          So sorry


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I know up dates have slowed bc I started to revise an old story but it looks like you might have to wait a little longer.
          Idk If it’s been on the news in the south or west and East coasts but basically the Midwest (hey that’s where I live) got fucked over.
          Monday around 11 am the sirens whent off and everyone got 96-120 mph winds. There where no tornadoes but we had catagory 3 hurricane winds.
          My city got 117 mph for around an hour.
          For context I live in a pretty dense neighborhood 15 minutes from downtown.
          I haven’t seen downtown yet, and I’m not sure I want to. In My neighborhood most of the street lights are down, like they where ripped out of the ground and thrown in the streets.
          If your tree wasn’t up rooted it was split in half. Sheds look like toppled card houses.
          All the windows facing north are blown in, (that side of our house didn’t have any windows)
          Roofs of our neighbors houses are ripped off.  When we got closer to the city we saw 2 by 4s ripped off of a construction sight and impaled an  apartment building up the road.
          We most likely won’t have power till Thursday so I won’t be able to charge anything, so till Thursday I will not even be able to write.
          Even if the power comes back on the clean up will take weeks. I’m just on a break from dragging tree branches to the side of the road (I wasn’t “trustworthy” enough to use the chain saw, I’m also known to... do “unreasonable and harsh” things when I’m mad”
          Next Monday I’m going to Manhattan to visit my brother so I won’t be able to write for that week either.
          So no more updates for two more weeks. 
          I’d say I’m sorry but I’m too busy and exhausted to care. 


awh i hope you’re doing okay! stay safe and great pfp :) 


You have been chosen to be showered in love
          So enjoy!
          Now, post this to everyone's wall who you think deserves the world if you get 
          1 back- you're loved
          2 back- you're popular
          3 back- you're one of the most popular people out there
          9 back- well now I'm jealous


You have been chosen to be showered in love
          So enjoy
          Now post this to everyone's wall who you think deserves the world if you get
          1 back- you're loved
          2 back- you're popular 
          3 back- you're one of the most popular people out there
          9 back- well now I'm just jealous