
Hello everyone! Hope you're all well!! In the past few weeks I've gained a large number of followers so thank you to everyone who's followed! I'm not sure if you've followed my account based on other sites in which I've given my wattpad handle. If you have and happen to be searching for my fic "Let's Pretend It's Love" , I've moved the story to mibba. You can read it at this link if you are interested :http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/615338/Lets-Pretend-Its-Love/ . Again, thanks for following!


Hello everyone! Hope you're all well!! In the past few weeks I've gained a large number of followers so thank you to everyone who's followed! I'm not sure if you've followed my account based on other sites in which I've given my wattpad handle. If you have and happen to be searching for my fic "Let's Pretend It's Love" , I've moved the story to mibba. You can read it at this link if you are interested :http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/615338/Lets-Pretend-Its-Love/ . Again, thanks for following!


If any of you are reading "Let's Pretend It's Love" and enjoying it or you're a member of One Direction fanfiction.com and might follow the story there, the story has been nominated for a 1D story contest. It would mean the world if you would vote. The story is up for three categories: Most likable O.C(Presley), Best comedy and Best  couple (Harry and Presley). So if you like, feel free to vote!! the link is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aKBBtda6rKxuMxLK-G6UJDWEpN4DBIJpNIb_q-OLeZA/viewform