Hey every one,
Long time no talk.
I know it's been a while since I posted my last message (the one in which I decided to pull LBG from the platform); and in the time since I had deactivated my writing account on IG.
After months of radio silence (for personal reasons of which I will not be elaborating upon at this time).
I am excited to announce that Little Bad Girl will be returning to Wattpad.
I will not be giving a release date at this stage; however, I will say I have been hard at work, editing, revamping, tweaking, adding and altering certain scenes.
The LBG that will be returning will be (at it's core) the same as before, but I would like to think it'll be New and Improved, LBG 2.0 if you will.
It won't be published off the back of the old version however; and will be released as a whole new and separate story.
Anyway that being said, happy reading and writing ... WATCH THIS SPACE!!