
I'm a week away from being on break from my studies. Can we talk about which books you'd like to be edited/ redone (I won't delete the old versions if I rewrite, I promise). Argh I missed it here ❤


@ElleSpeares I want to see more of Danielle and Antonio 


@ElleSpeares I'm working on it ❤ I'm officially on college break so you're getting a sequel for sure


Hy how are you please I am looking for a story it about Justin Bieber and a girl name Yadira Barnes she was a teacher to him on his tour 
          The title is lessons in love I have try to find it but no available am I was hoping maybe u can help it an BWWM story 


I'm a week away from being on break from my studies. Can we talk about which books you'd like to be edited/ redone (I won't delete the old versions if I rewrite, I promise). Argh I missed it here ❤


@ElleSpeares I want to see more of Danielle and Antonio 


@ElleSpeares I'm working on it ❤ I'm officially on college break so you're getting a sequel for sure


It's been over a year! Hi loves!
          So, I lost myself in my old stories this weekend and I'm about a week away from wrapping up my college semester... I'm in the mood to edit some of my books and POSSIBLY rewrite Worth Changing For over my break. Is that okay? ❤ 
          Gosh, I missed you 


We miss you too❤️ when should we expect updates?


hey guys...
          It's with a heavy heart that I've come to announce that I can no longer continue with my Wattpad career . I honestly can't make time to sit and write anymore with college on one hand, my job on another and my trying to get my feet into my desired career fields for my future in between all of that. I feel it's unfair to keep my readers waiting on story updates that I'm struggling to make time for and while I've come to grow as a writer because of this platform and your support and encouragement, I have to be honest and admit that I can't anymore. I am at my wits end with stress at the moment and I hope you all understand where I'm coming from. I'm hurting because I honestly enjoy(ed) writing for all of you, but Worth Changing For will be the third story I'm taking down because of my lack of time and inspiration because of my real life and my goals. I sincerely apologise to all of you and can't thank you enough for embracing my works with love and warmth-- all of you who have reached out to me to say my stories either changed or inspired you, I will always be thankful. Hopefully one day I come out with an actual book to publish under this pen name... until then, this account will stay up so you can read and reread all my works that you enjoy.
          I love you all from the bottom of my heart and wish you all the best in life. Thank you for this journey.
          AyeItsLylli/ Elle Speares/ Lydia


@ElleSpeares oh wow. Well you're one of the greatest writers I've come across on this app. I wish you the best and nothing but success. Enjoy college 


@ElleSpeares Dont leave me friend!!! 


I understand you got a lot on your plate right now but will you be finishing Love Without A Tragedy and Nandi here at some point or else where ?? @ElleSpeares