@Amaryha I just realised that I'm an idiot and never told you the name of the sequel but I'm glad you found it anyway.
I love Artie and Switch as a couple and even though they're not major characters in the story, they're a massive part in my mind so I had to give them a happy ending.
I hope you enjoy my other books too! If you would like a suggestion I would like to suggest Mutate just because I put so much effort into it but if the whole sci fi thing isnt your cup of tea then I dont mind.
Also, I struggle with writers block too. I'm actually really struggling with it at the moment. I actually find inspiration through music which some people find a little strange but sometimes when I listen to a song I try to imagine a movie trailer with the song as a background. Sometimes I come up with things and other times I just play around with existing characters.
That can also help too. If you have characters but not a plot, try picking random situations and writing a few paragraphs about how that character would respond. You might find something that you like that way and it might branch off into a possible plot.
I also rarely plan my books out. I planned Guns and Roses but not Mafia Comncetions as I like to let my characters do as they please which doesnt make much sense haha. Basically, once you know your character they'll help you to write. Or at least that's how it is for me but every writer is different.
I hope this helped and that you enjoy Guns and Roses!