
          	I've noticed that there is not many books where Percy Jackson have a job at the organisation like FBI. The few who does use SHEILD and often as the story goes on it switches too the Avengers.
          	Where can I find those stories and can you write them up here?
          	A desperate reader / Scilla


          I've noticed that there is not many books where Percy Jackson have a job at the organisation like FBI. The few who does use SHEILD and often as the story goes on it switches too the Avengers.
          Where can I find those stories and can you write them up here?
          A desperate reader / Scilla


          Jag har märkt att det inte finns många böcker där Percy Jackson är medlem av någon organisation mot brott som, t.ex. FBI.
          Dem få som har det, använder SHIELD och går ofta över till Avengerna.
          Om det finns, var kan jag hitta dem och kan ni skriva upp dem här?
          Snälla säg att det finns!  / Scilla