Hey, guysss! I missed you!!!! ;3 How are you all doing? Good news! I think I've finally pulled myself out of my self-pity hole and started to write for fun again XD It's a little sloppy atm as I get back to my usual tone and voice, but I hope it's not too sloppy and I hope you'll like it ^-^ So far, I'm halfway through writing the newest chapter of BOY MEETS BEAST ❤️ STAY TUNED!!! And thanks for all your lovely heart-warming messages on my profile :,) I even saw Khoney adding my book to her "Best Stories Ever F*cking Written" reading list! Aw. Thanks, girlie T_T ❤️❤️❤️ Love you all~~~ ❤️ P.S. What the heck happened to my followers count? I'm pretty sure I had like 3.51k followers O.o' Did Wattpad do something new while I was gone? Or are these numbers really just my followers leaving me? '-'

Heyyyy hey think I have an answer to your questions there’s been a widespread of people deleting there Wattpad accounts that could be as to why some of your followers are missing and sooo glad to to hear update on boy meets beast soon geez it’s so good I feel deprived