
@thefobster_ as much as I want to relate to you, I cant. Haha. I havent seen the movie. I only watched that part in youtube. And I must say that its really heartbreaking but I didnt cry. Haha you crybaby!


Yes I'm proud of you, elliebelly ;) but you did blame me lol. xD And well yeah. The Elsa x Anna feels are too much.


@thefobster_ i already watched the movie. aren't you proud of me kitty? haha. well, i can't blame you. that part is really tearjerker.


oh yeah actually I streamed that scene before I watched the movie. I didn't cry then, but for some reason when I actually watched that part again in the theater I was all emotional XD


Elleeee, how are you?! I miss you


@affiniteas dang, that's what we all wish for! but mine would be to marry one of your leading man in your books, gimme one woman! hha schools been hectic huh? is it your vacation now? I still have a few weeks of school. it sucks. I'm dying to go to the beach. so are you staying a little longer now or you're still goin to torture us with the CoU update? no pressure tho, we'll just wait here even tho we've been waitin for centuries. haha kiddin


@Ellenvyme_ Hahaha it has been centuries. I've aged drastically lmfao jk. That's so good to hear! I wish I could tell you many interesting things, like I went across the world to marry my future husband and we went to all the Disneyland parks and ate all the churros and watched all the beautiful shows together, but alas, that did not happen. I've just been busy sorting out my school stuff, getting an apartment, and finishing up my internship for the research I was doing with my mentor. I missed you dearly! Now tell me, are you enjoying your summer? I must hear~ any bae alerts? lol


@affiniteas aurie my love! after so many years you're back *wipe tears* I'm so glad you're back. I'm good, how are you? what's up? Tell me all the things you've done when you disappeared from all of us. I missed you


YES I’M BACK. I’VE MISSED YOU DARLING *gives you the biggest bear hug in the world* And hold on just a second, you threw a mackerel at me in your previous message on my board? That hurts, you know. LOL JK. (Joshua misses you too). I’m back during my winter break and hopefully I’ll get to update CoU before I start the semester again in later January. Freedom bells will officially ring for me in May tho! HAHA please forgive me tho for not updating CoU for so long. I’m so rusty right now, the semester sucked the life out of me x) THANK YOU LOVELY <3 Yep, I’m currently on break! Currently enjoying the sleepy life haha. AHH GOOD LUCK AND STUDY HARD! I’M SURE YOUR KICKING SOME EXAM BUTT RIGHT NOW! Hang on, you’re almost there Elle :)


ELLEEEE hello! I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for like years. Okay, maybe not years, but it’s been such a long time since we’ve talked. CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING FREE! Gosh, that anime was just amazing. AND OF COURSE I FORGIVE YOU! (Forgive me for being gone for so long and not being update to CoU. I promise I’ll be working on the next chapter soon.) THE FEELS WHEN ANY OF THE BOYS CRIED. On the last episode, I sobbed an ocean when Rei started to cry HAHA I’ve been good thanks for asking. School was… pretty crazy, but I’m glad to be done with the semester. How are you, love? I’ve missed you dearly!