
I have some good news! I got cleared to go back to work today after 3.5 months!!


          	  This is late but praise God!/


That’s wonderful!


hi love!! if you’re looking for a new Anakin fan fic, might I suggest giving mine a read :) i’m a new author on this platform & just trying to get my work some notice! i would greatly appreciate your support & feedback!! thank you & hope you enjoy <33


Update on me: I have been okayed to go back to “light” duty. Administrative work if they have it at my job. I miss working so hopefully they have a part-time admin option. Otherwise I still need a lot of strength training of my shoulder and a bit of PT for my knee. Great progress!!!
          I will be doing PT three times a week now.


@EllieNaberrie So glad to hear you’re healing well ! I hope it continues like this ❤️


Update on me: 
          My bones are healing really well! No more shoulder sling. Still can’t lift anything heavy. Smaller knee brace. I can use a walker now! If she has pain / overdoes, then i might go back to the bigger knee brace or wheelchair for a little bit. Progress!
          Also meniscus seems good based on doctor’s examination. No need for MRI. PT will start soon. Really good doctor visit!!
          Yay! I may even sleep in my own bed tonight. We shall see. That’s a lot of stairs but should be doable if we take our time.


So glad to hear you’re healing well :)