
LumpyQuote: If anyone is wonderin where i am or where will i be, ill be taking a long absence from wattpad awhile ;(, i know its sad but i just wanna take this time to reconnect with myself and rest my state of being, i hope u understand ;)! *TearsOfJoy* Now no tears xD! Until next time, we'll meet again. Bye bye;3!


LumpyQuote: If anyone is wonderin where i am or where will i be, ill be taking a long absence from wattpad awhile ;(, i know its sad but i just wanna take this time to reconnect with myself and rest my state of being, i hope u understand ;)! *TearsOfJoy* Now no tears xD! Until next time, we'll meet again. Bye bye;3!


Thanks for following me, although I haven't posted anything.


@PandaGem Aww its cool ;P! Thnks for following me back 2, that was sweet of u :)! t doesnt matter if you post anything or not, ill follow u cuz i totally know ur deffinetly cool :3! Its all about them pandas all day and all night haha xD!


LumpyQuote: Summers is coming up and im alittle anxious cause theres so many things i have to decide and choose. Somebodys birthday is coming up and i wanna get them a present but still didnt have the time to work to it, while i need to shop for cloths for myself, adjust to my new schedule in skool that also affects my home schedule, meanwhile attending a personal conference, that including showing my support for breastcancer awarness, and thinking about getting alittle more healthier through exercise \_(,>_<,)_/! So many things to do but only 1 me;(! 


LumpyQuote: My mother always wanted the best for everyone due to her horrid past, her soul is soften but her personality is corrupted. She would try to do the best she can to help a person that interest her, but never knows that once she push someone to hard for striking thier goals, they ended up broken to no repair. Dont pressure your dreams onto another person who doesnt know or wanted it.


this message may be offensive
LumpyQuote: I know for a fact that my caretakers arent annoying as they seem, but the hormones that are runing through my veins are making me think all types of crazy shit! "Ellie what would you like for breakfast honey?" *They genuinely smiles* "WHY Wont you just put a GUNN to my head already!"...Ya ('^_^)... Now i know why teenagers are always so horny x0! These hormones(>_<)!


LumpyQuote: Tommorow will be another day with a new life experience, feelings, and exhaustment. Its feels like not so long ago back in my youth day, i would still be pushing myself towards hardship of work, just like the present. It honestly feels like time flew by too fast, we are actually becoming the person we are searching to be.-And its scary:/!


LumpyQuote: My home routine requires sleeping, eating, and reading lolxD... and a bunch of housework/schoolwork and etc. Sometimes it could get alittle overwhelming, but i just love doing the sleep, eat, and read part! Besides, i really do need it cause all of the hard work im been doing through out my daily task and all\_(,>_<,)_/. I just wish i wouldnt have to work so harder than other teenagers my age. Whyyyy ;0????


LumpyQuote: Like OMG, why does my family always have to think i have a problem? I certainly do not! A conversation about skool ended up with "Ellie wat do you wana do when you grow up?" And said, "Um? I wana LIVE." And that just blew up in my face for 2 and a half hours of saying i shouldnt think that way and i shouldnt be that way(^_^). PLEASE, when i say i dont have a problem, i dont :/!


LumpyQuote: Humans are a fascinateing species. They cry, they hurt, and they feel pain, its just another package of being a human. Humans shouldnt store and ignore their state of emotions. If people are aloud to feel happiness, then so should you. Dont fright but fight. We are all human. Real.