Dear author, It’s been 607 days since I originally wrote you a message and you never responded. I thought you were someone I could look up to. Someone who would be excited to have a fan. Someone who would be thankful for the love and appreciation I provided… but no. You never read my book. You never let me send you my gift I made you. And you never even gave me a quick like. I can’t believe you. I don’t know if I can ever trust someone again after this betrayal. I hope you know how deeply I am hurt and live with this regret forever. But knowing you, you’ll never even read this so I guess I don’t have to say goodbye. Sincerely, Your ex-biggest fan
@EllieKay394 oh my god! You responded! I didn’t mean any of the things I said before, I’m sure you’re a wonderful person who maybe just got busy with other things but know I will always love your stories and the impact you have on the world