
Hello to those still around! The next book is out! 
          	Sorry that took forever, but thanks for your patience. It’s the Moro season which was a beast to write and then there’s an epilogue to wrap everything up. Hope you guys enjoy!  


@EllieKay394 OMG I CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT!! Thank you so so soon much for continuing the story!!


Hello to those still around! The next book is out! 
          Sorry that took forever, but thanks for your patience. It’s the Moro season which was a beast to write and then there’s an epilogue to wrap everything up. Hope you guys enjoy!  


@EllieKay394 OMG I CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT!! Thank you so so soon much for continuing the story!!


Dear author,
          It’s been 607 days since I originally wrote you a message and you never responded.  I thought you were someone I could look up to. Someone who would be excited to have a fan. Someone who would be thankful for the love and appreciation I provided… but no. 
          You never read my book. You never let me send you my gift I made you.  And you never even gave me a quick like. I can’t believe you. 
          I don’t know if I can ever trust someone again after this betrayal.  I hope you know how deeply I am hurt and live with this regret forever.  But knowing you, you’ll never even read this so I guess I don’t have to say goodbye. 
          Your ex-biggest fan 


@EllieKay394 oh my god!  You responded!  I didn’t mean any of the things I said before, I’m sure you’re a wonderful person who maybe just got busy with other things but know I will always love your stories and the impact you have on the world 


Hiiiii @elliekay394, I’ve just finished reading your Ninjago series (other than chaos which I’m about to read) I was wondering if ur gonna make another one wether it’s in the morrow series or another one where u do a different Ninjago series. But I really love this series it’s so cool and I really do want it to end so I beg PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONE!


Please, author, make another story!  You are the most amazing writer I’ve ever found on Wattpad. You’re even better than precessional authors so I need you to keep writing and show the world your amazing talent. You’ve also inspired me to write a story of my own. It’s called Kidnapped and I would love for you to read it. It will never be as good as your stories, but I’m pretty proud of it and it so if you could read it and give me your criticism on it and how I could improve at writing, that would mean the world to me.  Also… I have a handmade gift for you. If you could give me your address so I can mail it to you that would mean a lot. I would love to meet you someday too, I can travel to where ever you live and I could see your house and how you get your inspiration. Anyway, please write another story so I can be happy and feel joy again in my life. Your stories are really all I have and I love reading them. Anyways, thank you for reading this and giving me your time of day… you don’t know what it means to me. Have a great day! ️


Are you going to do the rest of the Ninjago series


Definitely not the rest of the series. There’s too many seasons that I don’t know what Lindsey would do in them. (Like the djinn season, she’d just forget everything anyway) 
            I’m working on the Moro season and have finally started writing that one more frequently (idk about a release though) 


Heyyy @EllieKay394s I just wanted to say that your books are amazing and that I just finished your darkness serie and I loved it!! I wanted to know if you’re making a book 4 cause this book is just amazing! Really keep up the good work and pls let me know if u make a book 4 cause you’re an amazing writer. 


I could imagine I’m literally horrible at writing so I’m so amazed by your books they’re SO good!! I hope you will find courage to write


@Malouzensnowy ... I would love to do the ghost season, but that one has been harder to write for some reason.


Oh okay is there gonna be a book after that one? Btw I’m reading it now!