
I have some good news! I got cleared to go back to work today after 3.5 months!!


          	  This is late but praise God!/


That’s wonderful!


Update on me: I have been okayed to go back to “light” duty. Administrative work if they have it at my job. I miss working so hopefully they have a part-time admin option. Otherwise I still need a lot of strength training of my shoulder and a bit of PT for my knee. Great progress!!!
          I will be doing PT three times a week now.


@EllieNaberrie So glad to hear you’re healing well ! I hope it continues like this ❤️


Update on me: 
          My bones are healing really well! No more shoulder sling. Still can’t lift anything heavy. Smaller knee brace. I can use a walker now! If she has pain / overdoes, then i might go back to the bigger knee brace or wheelchair for a little bit. Progress!
          Also meniscus seems good based on doctor’s examination. No need for MRI. PT will start soon. Really good doctor visit!!
          Yay! I may even sleep in my own bed tonight. We shall see. That’s a lot of stairs but should be doable if we take our time.


So glad to hear you’re healing well :)


update on me: Today I went to see an orthopedic surgeon & shoulder specialist (who also works on knees) and got some good news. At this time it looks like I will NOT need surgery on either my left shoulder (proximal humerus fracture) or right knee (impact fracture of the anterior peripheral medial femoral condyle)!!! I will get an MRI of my knee in a few weeks to ensure there is no meniscus tear, but her tendons seem intact. At this time, I just need to keep MY shoulder in a sling and stay off my leg. I am allowed to bend the knee now, though, which helps a lot! I got an impressive new knee brace and sling. So hopefully I will be able to walk (after PT) and use my shoulder in 8-12 weeks!!!!!!!


here goes. I got hit by a car on thursday and was taken to the hospital er. I rolled 3 times!!!


@EllieNaberrie I’m so sorry :,( I’m glad to hear you’ll be alright though. I hope you heal soon.


@GeminiRose22 I will be okay... but i broke my upper arm near my shoulder and broke my lower part of femur plus tendons snapped.


OMG  That sounds terrible! I’m so sorry  How are you doing now? Are you okay?