
@MoaningWithNiall yeah. No. I'm pretty sure that the comments are for staying your opinion but I don't think that they made it for people like you to be stupid about it and post crap like that and the comments would be so much better if there were no rude and hateful comments like yours and what author even wants comments like those in their book 


@MoaningWithNiall yeah. No. I'm pretty sure that the comments are for staying your opinion but I don't think that they made it for people like you to be stupid about it and post crap like that and the comments would be so much better if there were no rude and hateful comments like yours and what author even wants comments like those in their book 


@MoaningWithNiall well then I'm going to need to tell you to stop being a biitch and if you're not going to stop reading then you're stupid and should at least stop commenting because it doesn't do anyone any good to listen to what you have to say because it's just rude and disrespectful especially to the author and how are those kind of comments going to make the author want to write more. Btw you might want to change you profile picture and your name because it's quite stupid because we all know that you aren't moaning with him and that your picture is disgusting and disturbing to most all people thanks bye bye hope I don't have to talk to you later