
this message may be offensive
My class is reading Romeo and Juliet, and it's absolute shit like they fall in love in 5 minutes like whattttt???? I've read better fan fiction


Hi, you wouldn’t have happened to leave a comment or two a few months ago on an AO3 story called “Masks, Politics, Lies”, would you? 


@kyliekat-17 i sent you a privet message, it should be in your inbox.


I’m the author. Your comments intrigued me back in October (god, it’s been forever) and I did reply to them. You noticed a bunch of stuff that doesn’t make sense in places where I used ✨creative liberty✨. I wanted to chat about what those are because I’m going back through and editing/rewriting the first few chapters before I post the next one (almost finished with it!) and doing a bit of research regarding security and stuff. You seemed to know something so I thought I’d reach out this way on the off chance you would be willing to share anything.


@kyliekat-17 Ya actually it's one of my favourites and i go back to reread it every once and a while. can i ask my you want to know?


whenever my parents ask what i'm doing on my phone i say instagram and my dad just told me that's probably why i have mental issues (anxiety) but 1) i'm reading this all day not on instagram and 2) my mental problems are much worse than just anxiety so you're wrong ha


Okay WTF this is the 3 time I've thought about wanting to read a book but didn't save it and then like a week later I will find it in a random place like another book I wrote where I referenced it or forgotten on another device like seriously why is this happening like cool world please don't stop but also what????