
Okay. I know I haven’t been on here for aggggeeesssss but I have somehow accumulated 71 followers  hi people. I dont know if I’ll ever write like I did again. I hope to, but like is very just life and i dont know what I’m doing, like most of us. 
          	I hope to see you soon to finish off my currently dormant stories. 


Okay. I know I haven’t been on here for aggggeeesssss but I have somehow accumulated 71 followers  hi people. I dont know if I’ll ever write like I did again. I hope to, but like is very just life and i dont know what I’m doing, like most of us. 
          I hope to see you soon to finish off my currently dormant stories. 


Hey guys. Soooo it’s been a while  and I feel reallllly bad. I’ve not done much and like last year I’ve got another final major project. That’s not gonna help with getting chapters out but I think I’m gonna get back on the writing band wagon. I think it’s time to start again. I dont know when I’ll post the next chapter to 100 story challenge 2 but I really want to come back. See you soon. ❤️


Hey everyone and good morning to my fellow brits. Seeing as it’s quarter to 7  I just wanted to do a big thank you. Bc a lot of my books have been hitting milestones and I have gained quite a few followers on here which is crazy. 
          I dont know how to really do it properly but just thank you for enjoying the books bc I’m always so concerned that you won’t like it. 
          Anyway. I hope you have a good day or night. ❤️❤️


Okay so random update on the microsoft problem, I haven't gotten it back yet, but what I'm going to try and do, is open up the document (because I can do that, but I can't edit the document) and copy the chapters into a sticky note to my computer so I can edit them straight onto Wattpad. I'll still post them, but like the first book, at the end it will have to be re edited. 
          Thank you for being patient, and I'm sorry that I've been a lazy arse.
          Don't forget to check out I'll be seeing you on Amazon. The paper back isn't out yet, but if you're able to please go give it a read. Supporting the author in the making❤❤❤❤


So, some bad news, all my Microsoft apps are getting shut down on the 11th because of the trial limit on them, and I don't want to use word online because that's for my college account and they don't need to be seeing that. Anyway, so basically until we can pay for a family subscription for office (which by the way a family sub is like £70 whereas the personal is £50. Go figure that one out) I might have a little hold up on posting chapters (like I post away lol. I really gotta get on that.) But ya boi got studying and wants to procrastinate and be lazy. I wanna be smart and just not have to care about life. Why it gotta be so difficult. 
          But yeah, that's happening so ya know. I'm a lazy bitch.


No worries, but your not lazy. You just adorably waiting and sitting patiently for things to situate. I’m doing that too, so your good.


          If you love war stories, or her wattpad writing, you won’t be disappointed with this book. This girl knows how write. 
          She a star in the making ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          Please go check it out if you’re interested 
          Sydney Kurdziel- I’ll be seeing you. 


@EllietheKillerQueen I would love to but I live in Asia and they don't deliver items here :'((((((. But when I'll visit USA again, I'll surely do :)


@EllietheKillerQueen thank you!!!!!!!!! *Kissy faces*


I’ve finished the last chapter of Alexis’ Diary . I will publish them tomorrow morning bc I’m using my data on my phone, have no WiFi on my computer and I’m writing the story on word so Yh. I’ll be getting back to the 100 story challenge 2 tomorrow. ❤️❤️


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Do you wanna know something fun that happened to me when I woke up today?
          So after waking up, I was like oh great there is a bird that doesn’t understand how chimneys work, bc a lot of the time birds get stuck and manage to get out. 
          Well this one didn’t. I was like, it’s too stuck and it fell down my fuking chimney. A FUKLY GROWN FUCKING PIGEON FELL DOWN MY CHIMNEY!! 
          I heard it fall down and hit the stack of Sh!t under my chimney and I was like I gotta get my ugly arse outta bed. I called for my sleeping mother bc I was scared, went downstairs and my dad was like I can’t come up bc of some reason and my mum asked what was wrong and I gave her my phone so she could look and the pigeon was like sike I’m out and flew into my mother. I screamed like a puss puss, and ran downstairs. My parents got it out and my dad FINALLY boarded up my chimney like the others in my house. 
          But the worst part is. I realised at 8 o’clock this evening THAT IT HAD SHAT ON MY QUEEN POSTER AND TONY STARK CANVAS THAT I MADE!!!
          A crow had fallen down my chimney before and it had gotten up to a ledge over my bed while I was asleep, but this was traumatising.
          That’s my story of the day. Go check out @writingrandomstuff85’s book coming out soon which is in the publishing process today, her time. ❤️❤️


@writingrandomstuff85 jeepers don’t be sorry, I’m just lazy 


@writingrandomstuff85 I was happy that it didn't knock over a lot, but I have to clean my room again, and I cannot be fuked to do it.