
Omg I've been out of state for several days and will be gone for at least a couple more weeks working on getting my CDL. I'm not having a whole lot of time to do anything but study, eat, sleep, and bathe. Still hoping to nail down solid time to work on the third volume of my Saga of the Seven Keys: Legends of Deshar which I have around 4 chapters written. The second one, Legends of Rokar, is still in the first editing phase after which I will rework and do a personal edit myself and then start a beta reading session. That will also involve putting it on here for everyone. Right now I need sleep. G'night 


Hey Elliot! I was wondering how thing's are going and if you still use Wattpad. Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope you and your family are doing good! 


@heather_cooki oh wow I havnt been on here in such a long time and a lot has happened since. I have finished the second book in my Legends series but haven't done final copy, am writing the third, took the first off the market to begin splitting it up to try pitching it to traditional pub but recently decided against it in favor of beginning a new novel for traditional publishing,  had a new daughter after moving into our new house, changed jobs three times... busy busy busy and havnt had a ton of time to do anything  but I just got me a really nice roll top writing desk last night. 


Omg I've been out of state for several days and will be gone for at least a couple more weeks working on getting my CDL. I'm not having a whole lot of time to do anything but study, eat, sleep, and bathe. Still hoping to nail down solid time to work on the third volume of my Saga of the Seven Keys: Legends of Deshar which I have around 4 chapters written. The second one, Legends of Rokar, is still in the first editing phase after which I will rework and do a personal edit myself and then start a beta reading session. That will also involve putting it on here for everyone. Right now I need sleep. G'night 


Well I am pleased with the relatively quick turn around I have gotten with wattpad as opposed to other platforms and will continue to use it for my future works. I will be uploading one more chapter of Legends of Arboria and will enter the golden quills contest but then will be gone out of state for a couple months and be busy most of the time so I may not get on as often as I like but I will be getting a lot of writing done on the 3rd book in the series: Legends of Deshar and the 2nd book: Legends of Rokar is currently in editing phase so there is more to come. Thanks to my current followers for the attention and also to my friend who turned me on to wattpad, author H.H. Cook. Goodnight all!


@Elliot_c_King I'm excited to see your success on here. The best of luck to you!