
Man. I remember when I was actually active on my account. I'm seriously sorry guys. Well now that I've dealt with some of the crap in my life I'm back for quite a while now if any of you wanna RP again or anything. Thanks for the support everyone. Even when I was not the best myself. Love you guys! Be sure to check out my newest Roleplay and my books. See you.


Hello both "Between the Lines" and "Under the Mask" are destroying my heart with all the emotions that resonate off the words. These are an amazing read and I can't thank you enough for creating these. I was just curious as to when you will be updating "Between the Lines" and how the Treat chapter in "Under the Mask" will fall into the overall story. Also after reading the Author's Note in "Under the Mask", my heart died knowing what you were facing. I would like to add that I hope you are doing well and that you were/are recovering well and fast. Thank you. :)


r u ever going to update never again rewritten? ...


@SnowWolf_Goddess I hadn't the slightest clue anyone was even reading it. Right now I'm just finishing up a tribute but after that maybe I can find some time in my busy schedule to get around to it.


Do you want to do a roleplay 


@NatashaLydon How about Adrien Felix meets Rouge


Man. I remember when I was actually active on my account. I'm seriously sorry guys. Well now that I've dealt with some of the crap in my life I'm back for quite a while now if any of you wanna RP again or anything. Thanks for the support everyone. Even when I was not the best myself. Love you guys! Be sure to check out my newest Roleplay and my books. See you.