
I just want to share a bit of love and empathy for those that have lost loved ones during a holiday or during a special occasion. Most of all though, is my empathy for those who are full time carers for people who can not care for themseleves, whether due to chronic illness or palliative care. I am...was a full time carer. As of 12:20am on Boxing day 2024 my grandad no longer was my responsibility to look after and passed away, so I relate to both.
          	My grandad was my king. My entire life, he raised me from very young, taught me most of what I know, the one i went to when i couldnt go to my parents, which is more often than im sure they would like to hear. This past year has been rough, he signed a DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] the year before moving in with me, at the age of 16, it being the first he opened up about wanting a DNR. That DNR was held up last night and I am grateful for all the medical staff that helped. I am struggling to process his death, and in all honesty I don't think I ever truly will even though it's only been one day. One day and twenty minutes he's been gone, and I can't imagine going through my living room in a morning where it will be pitch black, no one to greet me with a snore, or returning home from Work to be met with only a parent and our dog.
          	I am doing everything I can to keep my head out of the sand, so the day or two away I was to finishing the first few chapters of the humans Vampire will not be completed all too soon I'm afraid, I'm also likely to dissappear for a long while. 
          	I miss you Grandad, I'll always love you, even if the last thing we did was lie and say everything would be okay, knowing it woukdnt ❤️. I thought I had another year with you, yet you've left on such sudden notice I wasn't ready. I don't think I'll ever be.


I just want to share a bit of love and empathy for those that have lost loved ones during a holiday or during a special occasion. Most of all though, is my empathy for those who are full time carers for people who can not care for themseleves, whether due to chronic illness or palliative care. I am...was a full time carer. As of 12:20am on Boxing day 2024 my grandad no longer was my responsibility to look after and passed away, so I relate to both.
          My grandad was my king. My entire life, he raised me from very young, taught me most of what I know, the one i went to when i couldnt go to my parents, which is more often than im sure they would like to hear. This past year has been rough, he signed a DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] the year before moving in with me, at the age of 16, it being the first he opened up about wanting a DNR. That DNR was held up last night and I am grateful for all the medical staff that helped. I am struggling to process his death, and in all honesty I don't think I ever truly will even though it's only been one day. One day and twenty minutes he's been gone, and I can't imagine going through my living room in a morning where it will be pitch black, no one to greet me with a snore, or returning home from Work to be met with only a parent and our dog.
          I am doing everything I can to keep my head out of the sand, so the day or two away I was to finishing the first few chapters of the humans Vampire will not be completed all too soon I'm afraid, I'm also likely to dissappear for a long while. 
          I miss you Grandad, I'll always love you, even if the last thing we did was lie and say everything would be okay, knowing it woukdnt ❤️. I thought I had another year with you, yet you've left on such sudden notice I wasn't ready. I don't think I'll ever be.


Didn't think I'd still be on this app after so long, but it's been 6 years, multiple accounts, and it's changed loads. I am finally, after 6 years, putting together all my work into full stories, stored as drafts and will be updating them (or at least trying to) and editing them as I go.
          Wish me luck, I'm gunna need it! 


this message may be offensive
never been on here as much haha.
          Messaged Kooth, an online mental health website, and what do I get as a reply in the chat? Councillor is off on leave until August 12th! After I've sent the message, so I won't get a reply until then.
          You think that's bad? Last time I messaged them having an anxiety attack I didn't get a response for 2 AND A HALF HOURS, of which I then got the automated- apologies we didn't get to you in time.
          They are promoted in schools as a good thing, they help people etc, but any response has always been links to self help things, or they just don't reply. I get there are thousands of young people with mental health conditions and mine by no means is the worst, but there can't be that many issues someone can't even message a simple supportive comment? I just wanted to fucking TALK TO SOMEONE.
          Apologies for the expletives, currently suffering the after effects of an anxiety attack so high strung and fucked off to high hell. 
          Anyone got any good mental health websites they know of? Ones where it actually can help and not just give lip service preferably? 


          Had an email from Watty few days ago that's only just come through, saying the humans vampire has been marked as mature.
          A year after posting. When there aren't any explicit sexual scenes in it, and very few violent scenes in it. If there are, they are properly marked and warned about.
          This is stupid right? 


Don't usually post, but it's been a long week, crap happens, life happens, why not start?
          Written an easy 4k words on a story I haven't published yet. It's a romance, what I'm not experienced in, and it's more mature than the others by miles. My writing has changed, as well as how I portray each character and I don't want to change so much without sorting an entire universe out first.
          I don't know if I will be able to get back into my first story, The Vampires human, or not as writers block is a bitch (and so am I ). If not, will start posting my other stories as oneshots or short stories.
          So I write these up in notes before intending on publishing them. Most aren't full stories, usually oneshots or short stories if that. I have a whopping 11 FULL notepads on my mobile only of the crime genre, each refusing to let me type any more as there is a 350,000 word limit (roughly 300 ish pages). 
          I have a total of: 
          11 notes of crime
          6 of witchcraft/shifters/abo/that sort of thing
          2 long stories that are written up and being edited/added to.
          6 short stories I am trying to sort out.
          6 more with random stuff I don't actually remember writing. In total but the bottom end of things, I have 50 FULL NOTES OF WORK.
          I am sorting through them. Wish me luck, cos I'm gunna need It.
          That's around 17,500,000 characters BTW. which according to Google, is 45 BOOKS.
          Why do I do this? Please? Why? Am I the only lunatic on this site that does this? Probably .


I need to say this now:
          What the actual Hell is Wattpad doing deleting all these books. At least 10 of my favourites have been banned in the past week. They all have their TWs, they all have their content warnings, they all say EXACTLY what is going to happen in the book. It is kind of hard not to tell what it may or may not include. Multiple are marked mature for swearing only.
          Dark Romances are still books, just because something is a little riské does not mean it is not a good book. Seriously, how this app still functions is a mystery to me, and it's going to collapse soon if it keeps throwing out all the good authors. 
          I do believe the content guidelines state you must not promote violence or violence of sexual nature. If it has a story line, then it is not just for the riskè scenes, it's for the the dang STORY LINE. There are far more works on this app that twist the line of consent, or go as far as detailing Stockholm syndrome, for a book about two guys (litterally) admitting they liked each other and kissing, to get banned!
          Rant over/ Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I'm looking for another app to work on because this is a load of bs.


@Elly313 I honestly agree. Last week, I was able to type in a prompt and immediately I'd get over a hundred results. But now, when I type in the same prompt, I can't find any of those stories. The weird thing is, all those stories are still on wattpad. I don't know what wattpad is doing, it used to be a great platform. Another incident was when I was writing a chapter and then published it. Minutes later, I get a notification from wattpad saying that a picture had been removed. The picture was not even remotely offensive, it was jason's reaction to a prank. (photo can be found in my story Percabeth oneshots, chapter name: Kat Kitt Weaver.)


@Elly313 first they delete books, then private messages, then accounts, they then delete themselves from existence...


I have posted an official *DISCLAIMER* [TW] as the first chapter of The humans vampire: His Slave, as I am entering the story into a watch contest and need to ensure all my bases are covered. I Don't have my work fully backed up though I am in the process of it, so I can't risk it getting taken down. 