I just want to share a bit of love and empathy for those that have lost loved ones during a holiday or during a special occasion. Most of all though, is my empathy for those who are full time carers for people who can not care for themseleves, whether due to chronic illness or palliative care. I am...was a full time carer. As of 12:20am on Boxing day 2024 my grandad no longer was my responsibility to look after and passed away, so I relate to both.
My grandad was my king. My entire life, he raised me from very young, taught me most of what I know, the one i went to when i couldnt go to my parents, which is more often than im sure they would like to hear. This past year has been rough, he signed a DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] the year before moving in with me, at the age of 16, it being the first he opened up about wanting a DNR. That DNR was held up last night and I am grateful for all the medical staff that helped. I am struggling to process his death, and in all honesty I don't think I ever truly will even though it's only been one day. One day and twenty minutes he's been gone, and I can't imagine going through my living room in a morning where it will be pitch black, no one to greet me with a snore, or returning home from Work to be met with only a parent and our dog.
I am doing everything I can to keep my head out of the sand, so the day or two away I was to finishing the first few chapters of the humans Vampire will not be completed all too soon I'm afraid, I'm also likely to dissappear for a long while.
I miss you Grandad, I'll always love you, even if the last thing we did was lie and say everything would be okay, knowing it woukdnt ❤️. I thought I had another year with you, yet you've left on such sudden notice I wasn't ready. I don't think I'll ever be.