
this message may be offensive
frasers video on being bi- have never felt so valid in my life. would really recommend watching it even if u don't watch any of the commentary lot anymore. bi king really said fuck em if they against gay ❤️


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frasers video on being bi- have never felt so valid in my life. would really recommend watching it even if u don't watch any of the commentary lot anymore. bi king really said fuck em if they against gay ❤️


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wait wills dog darcey passed away? shit im really behind with everything why did no one tell me :(. darcey was a fucking angel who literally carried wills channel through the entire bgm era. 2020 fucking sucks


aw no i didn’t know this!! fkn devastated :(


honestly this fandom went downhill when the eboys channel was made (without fraser by the way, that should've been red flags FROM THE START but literally no one cares anymore) and no one seems to accept this fact because we GoT a GrOuP cHaNnEl. but go ahead and tell me im wrong :/


@emilysspace yes!!! this is 100% the feeling i get. glad im not the only one, i just thought i was going a bit insane.


i still enjoy their solo stuff, mostly memeulous, but the eboys channel has such a sour undertone i can’t stand it


ugh i know 


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what the fuck happened on twitter? uk youtube is really out here getting cancelled and georges relationship is being exposed. what has 2020 come to


and this is why i dont use twitter. pure toxicity. aswell as tiktok.


@madi-004 sorry, i never meant to say he didn't, but the girl said that he only tweeted about blm once and then just started retweeting/tweeting about his song, so she felt it was an ingenuine tweet.


bit random but you haven't been active in a while and just wanted to check on u and ur general mental health. u know cove is hard hope ur feeling ok


haha all good, im glad youre doing ok. dw about it I was just worried for a second and thought there would be no harm in checking in


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@clubquaranteen bless you're so nice for checking up on me. sorry, should be updating chat shit get cancelled tonight if I edit it in time ♡
            im doing okay, so don't worry. hope you're okay, tysm for taking the time to check on me but im honestly fine. if you ever find that you aren't tho feel free to message me whenever ♡♡


right why's everyone on twitter saying they don't want fraser in the eboys then because you've just got an invalid opinion and that's facts babygirl 
          okay but seriously why do people not want him in eboys?


@Elmslie_Engel Thank you so much for sharing your opinion, you really put effort Into your points ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (sorry about the emoji thingy I really like them) 


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@Elmslie_Engel fucking hell i popped off A LOT in this comment im so sorry ♡♡♡


@GetOutTheKitchen I 100% respect your opinion, but I have to disagree.
            When the channel was first in discussion, he was included. When the first channel was made, he was included. Suddenly they remake the whole channel and leave him out? Shouldn't have happened, he should've been involved like he had been before. If they didn't want him from fear of "someone being left out", then they should've never had him be in the meetings to start up the first channel, or include him in the first channel.
            I do feel like Fraser did always get left out though, but I've always seen the commentary crew as a five (as have some people, but lots do tend to forget fraser, and them leaving him out of the eboys doesn't help). It shouldn't matter on the amount of people, the commentary crew has always been the five of them, no matter how close/distant the people within it are.
            He does have a more serious channel, you're right, but that's never been a problem before. He's collabed with James and Alex, and them videos have been well received, so i think he would've fit in the group just fine (can't really remember the response to his videos with George and i think he's only done a second channel video with Will so idk)
            Hope I haven't come across as rude, ty for sharing your opinion, it's refreshing to hear a different point of view ♡♡♡


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the new chapter of chat shit, get cancelled is 1.5k long but it's chatting utter shite (spoilers - we be talking about tier list categories and basically that's it) do people still want to read that or shall i spend another few weeks tryna rewrite something worth reading/cutting down the length so it's bearable :/
          please respond x


ill post it tomorrow (technically today) at like a decent time ty all ♡♡♡


please post it!!


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shit i don't wanna say i like kavos but SOME of the stuff he's saying is making sense 


@will-lenney that's a good analogy tbf 


@Elmslie_Engel if he says 50 things, you would hope at least 2 of them make sense


@Elmslie_Engel good he's the voldemort to my entire world bro


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was the eboys drama all fake im so fucking confused like what the fuck is happening


Idk, Fraser put a gif on his Twitter of KSI screaming ‘it’s all fake motherfuckers, you’ve been pranked’ but Kavos is saying he was on Skype with Fraser and Fraser said it was real.   
            I don’t even think Fraser knows if it’s real or not.


I think they just settled any issues that they had and everything is all good now and they're just being extra friendly and joking about it to make it clear its in the past


I’m actually so confused right now lmao