Hi! I'm Elo, I'm 27 and I'm a French girl currently living in Spain.
I've got a handful of passions, such as sewing, knitting, drawing, painting... and of course, writing.

As part of my references, I love French, English and American litterature, especially the works of Emile Zola, Margaret Atwood and Langston Hughes. But my favourite litterary work is and will always be Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden (the aesthetic of the movie is also amazing). I just generally love all the Japan-related stuff: I grew up with Sailor Moon and Studio Ghibli movies, and I believe that they forged the unlimited imagination that I have today.

If you want to summarize a bit my personality in one word, I would say "sensitive", "empath" or even "romantic". Some people will say that it's a default, I would say it's a power. I've always loved observing life, nature, people, in a positive and innocent way. Imagine stories where I would be a fairy, or a cat, or a powerful businesswoman. Become a new character everyday and feel moved by how beautiful the world could be. I believe that sometimes, being surrounded by bad news only makes us only see life in dark colours, and forget how nature and humans can be genuinely good. Some of you might call it cheesy, I prefer saying that this is the gift that us, hypersensitive people, bring into the world.

So, what do I write about? The truth is that I don't know... I have so many ideas a day that I prefer letting you discover my work as I publish it. I want to be able to write fantasy books, but also poetry, essays about how I see the world, dystopian stories... But what I know is I don't want to settle to any genre. See this Wattpad account as a big apothecary lab, where I would try new things and follow my imagination.
  • Tarragona, Spain
  • EntrouMay 28, 2016


Última mensagem
Elo_Evergarden Elo_Evergarden Jan 04, 2024 09:36PM
New poem out in my collection "Poems from the Inner Mind"!  A work that is a bit darker than what I'm used to write. I hope that you guys will like it! https://www.wattpad.com/1411375505-poems-from...
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História de Elo
Poems from the Inner Mind, de Elo_Evergarden
Poems from the Inner Mind
Feel, observe and live. A peek into the mind of a sensitive person who (sometimes) overthinks a lot.