
Hey spiritual Carole, this is the one you didn’t meet, but maybe may? The desolate soul formerly known as Ginger Jesus (yes, “not even ginger”). 
          You’ve know my amazing former fiancée for 15 years, I suspect she’s never been so bubbly (as she was this summer). Tuther Sunday we met and “all is well”, rings on our fingers, bells on our toes? Anyway, eye gazing declarations of love. Not a cross in between, then cuts me dead less than 2 days later. Is this typical of her mate? 
          I cannae mek sense o’ it. Ta.


How many men has Sharon ‘sought a connection with’…please, I don’t wanna know…
            And there never is one. Until me. So I was told. And now she’s pushing the lamest of reasons, which were already historic when we were still together, the lamest of ‘reasons’ to state why I’m not comparable either. 
            You do know she’s seeking the impossible, right? Tell her?!


Your mate is giving reasons that already existed when she told me everything was fine, the last time we spent together. She said “we don’t have to discuss anything “ (although we had met to ‘discuss stuff’) because everything was obviously okay… 
            Yes, I’m madly sharing…Errol Brown though, forgotten all about him and …


…for someone who gabs constantly your mate consistently fails to express herself by degrees. Her cliff edge rhetoric stylistically screams her ‘don’t wanna upset anyone’ mantra , until, well, I didn’t wanna mention the leaking tap, so I’m now mentioning the flooded ground floor. Like Shazza, y’ken, communicate by gradation lass. 
            IMHO yer mate has unleashed 4 of the lamest ‘excuses’ / reasonings / whatever to cancel “what was written” (her words re: our relationship) - they’re such minor occupancies, y’ken, she said “forever”, unless there’s a pea under the mattress eh…
            Shazza is still running, not from me per se, from her kiddy self (yup, aren’t we all…) you musta known she was elated with me, like no other she said, and I believed it, as her did the singing. 
            Anyway, you’ll think I’m weird. Ha. I hoped to meet you and Becs.
            I’m mega damaged but I know it and am learning. Shazza learned to cope but always by filling her world. She wouldn’t ever indulge the silence and solitude she needs, she’s afraid, to just be her real self.