Hello, I am simply a very awkward, sometimes sporadic young 'teen.' I am not the smartest nor am I the dumbest. I am not a good author, but I try. I am up for reading a majority of books, as long as it's not about real life people. Thank you for reading. 😁
  • In a place
  • Đã tham giaJuly 5, 2017

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
EloveStories EloveStories May 28, 2020 05:12PM
What is Groot's favorite carbonated beverage?Grootbeer...
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Truyện của HomosapienLarvaeInfant
They need love too... bởi EloveStories
They need love too...
[WARNING: MONSTER LOVER CONTENT] Also, I will not write about existing people or characters, even if I get sl...
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