
Another chapter of Being Mrs. Marshall will soon be published please bear with my slow update, it's already summer break in my country so I'll try to update my stories...Thank you for your patience.. xx


Hey Guys! Sorry I'm still not able to produce another chapter of Being Mrs. Marshall because lately I've been very very busy with my studies and many other things BUT I was able to finally post/publish the very first chapter of my new story! Please do check it out but I cant promise you, my dear readers, that I can update my story any time soon because I'm really busy and also because I'm currently preparing for my Senior Highschool entrance examination. I hope that you'll understand my situation. Don't worry If I have a spare time I will absolutely start a new chapter In either one of my storys. That's all Goodnight! x


Hey guys!! ... It's me Elrich!!..Please don't be frustrated with my name :)..lol...I do hope that you'll read my story ..it's called.."Will You"...And I also hope that you'll eventually add it to your wonderful Library...
          When I'm writing I make sure that I leave a piece of me in my story...Every chapter reflects what I feel...I also add a part of me in one of my characters, I make sure that they, somehow, represent something that I have may it be an attitude sets of emotions etc. So my dear readers I guarantee you that my story will be worth your while and that it is from the heart.
                                                Yours Truly,