Wow it feels like it's been so long since I've stumbled upon this page. I don't know what gave me the courage to click it, knowing I would have all these unwanted feelings wash over me again.
Everyday, everyday I go by wondering behind all the fame and their work or school, they remember us. The girls behind the computer screens tapping away hurriedly at their keyboards simply talking to their best friends, their sisters. I always think of the L.O.U.(I).S minions, and our amazing spam parties. I really do.
But I know behind the great memories I'll be burdened with the resentment and anger of being left behind, with no shape or form of contact to be used ever again. I know it's petty to still care and hold onto it, but without the disappointment of it all, all of these memories will fade away. Without these awful feelings, constantly fresh, I would have moved on and forgotten my pocket flat mates.
I've made some of my closest friends on here, Rhi, Vanessa, Felicitie or "Addi". I still chuckle when I hear that name, only thinking of her.
Hopefully none of you end up like me. Unable to love, be happy, or let go without the constant reminder that you may be unloved or unwanted with everyone and anyone you meet and might want to get close with. Don't be like me.
Be happy and don't let this ruin you. Because as hard as it is to admit, it ruined me.
Even though we were called a family, ohana, doesn't mean we weren't left behind or forgotten.
You guys made my summer worth it. Hopefully we can find some way to rekindle what we had this summer. Maybe, just maybe we can get that all back.
@AThousandYears @writergrl98 @FelicitieTheTwat @kaiwavy123 @LiveWhileYourYoung @xMicKiss
Sorry to have made you read that, I just wanted you all to know I do remember, I do miss it, and I wish we had it all back. That I do still care and love you guys. You've made an imprint in my heart that will always mean the world.