
Since March is coming, I feel like now might be a good time to let you that Chapter 2 Act 3, titled, "The Week before the Masquerade", will be published on March 20th at 1:00 PM EDT


My tribute collab with my good friend Blitz, "If Blitz Blazer and I were in Friday Night Funkin': VS MECHA" was published two days ago, as you all may or may not have known.  Now I may consider making a Chrismas special to bid 2024 farewell, but it may take quite a while


          Yes I know it's been a long while since I last posted here, but just so I don't leave you all hanging, I realized my goof in Chapter 1, Act 1 of The Elsie Chronicles and began to fix that little goof so that it'd make more sense (now that I'm taking a French class)