
WOO! another chapter.it has been quite a while since  that has happened and i would like to apologize for the wait. I hope you all read it :) also, it says its 9 pages, but i was having spacing issues, so theres alot of space between every freakin paragraph. so yeah. not 9 pages really.


WOO! another chapter.it has been quite a while since  that has happened and i would like to apologize for the wait. I hope you all read it :) also, it says its 9 pages, but i was having spacing issues, so theres alot of space between every freakin paragraph. so yeah. not 9 pages really.


OMG LOOK! i have 10 fans! do you know what that means?! I get cookies! or candy. probably candy because I just made cookies yesterday. Im so glad though, because really, if you read my nothing island story in one sitting, you'll be like "haha that doesn't work because this happened!" honestly, that's what I was like. -_- you know its messed when... anyways, ill be changing at some point in the future. my goal is to have it done by may (i dont do goals well, it wont happen.) NEW FAN! THANK YOU!


so i just have to say, the new development in chapter 13 (NOT ch 12, which will be up soon)(yes im getting ahead of myself) blew my mind just as much as it will (maybe) blow yours. you know when you read a book and you say to your self "OMFG WTF!?", thats what i said when i wrote it. cuz it jsut came out. i didnt even think as i wrote it. i thought it was pretty cool that my mind did that, but thten it was blown away by what was written and it prob wont happen again. i guess it may not be as amazing to you as it is to me, but what i did just changed my whole story plot thing.


okay everybody, i have decide to broker (break, i dotn know, im not  a lawyer) a deal. whatever, i ahve a deal for you. if you come up with a name for the world Tristan and Jade live in, i will dedicate the next chapter (ch 12, or whatver one is next) and will write you into the story. no i will not use your wattpad user name got reasons i shouldnt have to explain


so ch 11 wanst up as soon as i would have liked, but it got up so its all good. YAY. dunno how long ch 12 will take though. within the month for sure. hoefully. im hoping to finish the nothing island in may, but i have no idea if thats goign to happen, but i sure will try.


I have a new fan! YAY! up to seven now! ok, now three more to go to ten. thats my goal now, to have ten fans. when i get that many, ill celebrate by making cookies or some sort of delicious desert. or maybe ill jsut buy candy.