
          I just finished reading your fic 'Let your heart rule your head', back when you were under the account name @TwistyLucy and I must say it's been quite a long time since I've read something so touching. I loved your work and I  just want to tell you to keep up the good work and continue writing such stories, you're an amazing author! Loads of love


@HermioneGranger_03 What a lovely comment to read in the morning! Thank you so much @HermioneGranger_03 ! That fic is so old, it's crazy that people are still reading them and taking the time to comment :) I hope I'll be able to get back on track with writing and that you will find what you like in the new stuff. Thank you again for reading these old fics, for the compliment, and for taking the time to write this message!