
Happy Easter to you all! Today, the tomb was opened and the Lord was risen! The prophesy and the promise is complete and the devil has been defeated. God is so wonderful and so loving. He gave His only Son to die on the cross, to take on all of our sins so that we won’t be separated from Him anymore. Because of that wonderful gift we can have eternal life with Him and have a personal relationship with the God of the Universe. How amazing is that? I hope that God touches each your lives today and that you may be comforted today that you are not alone. The God of the Universe loves you so much that He sacrificed Himself for you. Have blessed day and Happy Easter! ❤️


Hi, hope all's well. 
          Ever thought of continuing the Transformers AU into the 5th movie?


@Elysian_2023 anytime, you're writing is so good to give feedback on


@_DukDuk_, I have, however I’ve paused on my Transformers stories for now. I’ve been focusing on the novels I’m writing and other fan stories as well as school. So much life happening I don’t like it. But yeah! Thank you so much for your interest and love for that story. I had such a laugh reading your comments!


Happy Easter to you all! Today, the tomb was opened and the Lord was risen! The prophesy and the promise is complete and the devil has been defeated. God is so wonderful and so loving. He gave His only Son to die on the cross, to take on all of our sins so that we won’t be separated from Him anymore. Because of that wonderful gift we can have eternal life with Him and have a personal relationship with the God of the Universe. How amazing is that? I hope that God touches each your lives today and that you may be comforted today that you are not alone. The God of the Universe loves you so much that He sacrificed Himself for you. Have blessed day and Happy Easter! ❤️


Hey guys! I’m back with another story. And don’t worry, I already finished this before I started publishing, so it will have a definite ending. Head over to read Hymn To My Soul, a story about the sinking of the Titanic and the grand ocean liner’s designer who fell in love with a girl who is bound to an arranged marriage. I hope you guys enjoy it!


Merry Christmas to you all! Jesus was born this wonderful day! He came to be the sacrifice, the flawless lamb to be the ransom in our place. Glory be to God in the Highest, for He loves us so much to give His only Son so that we may be able to live with Him forever in Heaven. We don’t have to do anything to become worthy. We are given mercy when we go to Him just as we are and lay our sins at His feet. What a wonderful God I serve, one of humility and authority. One who loves me so much to become flesh to save me from damnation. I hope that each of you will take that to heart and know that Jesus came for you just as He did for me. You are loved by a God who created you and knew you in your mother’s womb. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Love you all! ❤️


@Elysian_2023 Praise Jesus, our King! Merry Christmas


Attention to readers : I am going on a hiatus for a little while. I have recently been stacked up with school as well as working on my personal novels. Wattpad is a hobby for me so my attention for it goes up and down. I write these books for fun but return to them whenever I have motivation for them. That being said, I want to produce the best work I can for you guys to read and that comes when I am in the zone and fully dedicated to what I am working on. Currently that focus is on my own novels. I will come in and out while I’m on winter break but just keep in mind that I will be very infrequent when it comes to updates of any of my books. Thank you all so much for reading and being wonderful supporters. You have honestly made so many of my days. So thank you! Have a blessed day and have a very Merry Christmas!!


@Elysian_2023 alrighty! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too!


Hey guys! I’m back. With an all new book for the FNAF movie because Josh Hutcherson is amazing and I had to. If you like mystery and treasure hunting, you’ll like this one. I was inspired by The Da Vinci Code so it has a whole plot of twists and turns. Check that out and I hope you enjoy! God bless you all! ❤️


Hey guys! I just wanted to make a special post today. Last night I went to see the new movie Sound of Freedom with my boyfriend and my family. Sound of Freedom is a movie about the captivity and rescue of children sex slaves all around the world. It is a truly inspiring and intense movie that brings the important awareness to sex trafficking and modern slavery. I just want to send this out as a message to all of those who are not aware of this huge issue within our world today. Human trafficking is a multi billion dollar business that has become even more profitable than the drug business. Please send awareness of this issue to anyone you know. This slavery has become even bigger than when slavery was legal. So please, go see this movie while it is still in theaters and help us stop human trafficking! God’s children are not for sale!!


@Fluffy_Sword I know! It was amazing!


@LegendsWrites That movie was astounding, wasn’t it? I think it’s brilliant how they were able to capture the gravity of it while still keeping it as PG as possible


Oh wow! 20k reads on Purer Than A Sunrise! That’s so crazy I can’t even comprehend it! Thank you all so much for supporting my writing journey! It’s honestly been amazing! I love you all! ❤️


@LegendsWrites Congratulations! It’s awesome to hear! Personally I love that book and I think you did a great job on it. It’s been fantastic to see your style grow!


@LegendsWrites That's great to hear! And I'm doing good ! And you're welcome it's been a pleasure to watch you grow ! <3


@DekuandKacchan99 Thank you so much! I am doing well! I hope you are too! And thank you so much for being alongside me throughout the growth! ❤️