
Working on getting the next chapter of Sharp Desire posted Wednesday or Thursday! 
          	Sorry for the delay, took some time off work and was traveling so didn't get a chance to write much this past week. 
          	Thank you for your patience! 


Working on getting the next chapter of Sharp Desire posted Wednesday or Thursday! 
          Sorry for the delay, took some time off work and was traveling so didn't get a chance to write much this past week. 
          Thank you for your patience! 


Hello hello! 
          Wanted to make a quick announcement about my next story. 
          I have quite a few ideas for some Marauders era fics, but I have personally been caught in a Drarry hole for reading so my next story is most likely going to be one! 
          As of right now, my favorite idea is a post war fic where Harry has full custody of Teddy and is trying to avoid the public eye to keep Teddy out of the wizarding press. 
          To achieve this, Harry moved to a non wizarding area and now poses as a muggle. He owns a small pet store where he utilizes glamors to hide his appearance (just in case any wizards come in). 
          The glamors work wonderfully in the 5 years he's owned the shop! That is... until he starts dating Draco Malfoy who has no idea his new muggle boyfriend is actually his childhood rival. 
          I've been having fun planning this story. I want it to have lots of adorable moments for Teddy with both Draco and Harry being the great parents they never got to have growing up. 
          I also am making it a goal to add more humor into than my other stories. We want Draco making a complete awkward fool of him self trying to use muggle appliances and hide his magic from his 'muggle' boyfriend. 
          Hope you all are interested in the idea! 


New story has been posted! :) 
          Sharp Desire is an opposites attract love story for our precious Professor Aesop Sharp and an original female character who is coming in to replace Professor Figs position in teaching Magical Theory. 
          Hope you all enjoy! First 2 chapters are uploaded now!


New Story Announcement!
          Based on your voting comments from my recent post in Your Eyes, our next story will be for our darling Professor Aesop Sharp!!! 
          This is a story I actually started planning over a year ago so I am super excited to finally get around to writing it out! 
          I am still obsessed with the grumpy x sunshine trope and I don't think I will ever tire of writing it! 
          As soon as I have the first few chapters made up I will get it posted and hopefully post weekly/every couple days for it. 
          Thanks for reading and following!!!!! ♡ 


You guys… I have too many stories that I want to write!!!
          I’m nearly finished my first draft of Jinxed Gemini… I have the Outline and first 6 Chapters of Inferno ready, but NOW I woke up feeling inspired for a new Sebastian Sallow story (Couldn’t stay away from my Slytherin boys for long), and I HATE that I have to actually work and am unable to just write all day! 
          Just needed a quick vent lol and to let all my Hogwarts Legacy lovers know that I will probably work on that new Sebby story next. 
          Anywaysssss happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!


I am posting the first two chapters for my Vampire Diaries inspired story, Jinxed Gemini, since Aurors Heart is almost wrapped up (About 4 more chapters left).  
          Allsssoooo, I did see a TikTok recently for some AI generated pics of the Vampire Diaries cast at Hogwarts and now my brain wants to do a crossover fic… Any interest?


Quick announcement for my next story once Aurors Heart is finished... I have decided to actually dive into a different fandom... Next story will be for Kai Parker (from the Vampire Diaries). 
          If you are not a fan of the show, first off you're miss out! Lol (10 outta 10 recommend!) 
          Secondly, you do not need to worry about not understanding the story! I will be writing in a way so it can be read as a stand alone story where you won't need to know the shows background to enjoy the characters and plot. 
          I grew up watching the Vampire Diaries and of course I had to fall for the Sociopathic Murderer (damn my dark romance obsession! Lmao) 
          I always wanted him to have a redemption so this is me finally writing down all the ideas my younger self came up with for the emotionless murder to finally have a happy ending!
          Hope you all don't mind a little switch away from the Harry Potter universe, but this Kai story will mostly be written to appease my younger self and of course for my undying love of Chris Wood as an actor ♡


Just need to take a second and say THANK YOU! We have officially passed 20k reads on Hogwarts Legacy: A Slytherpuff Story and I am beyond thankful and shocked!!! 
          Another shout out to my story Your Eyes, as it has maintained the #1 spot for the GarrethWeasley tag for quite a while, which is something I'm personally super proud of. I know Garreth isn't as popular as our Slytherin boys, but I'm glad that story has maintained a high ranking and has officially passed 5k reads! 
          You all are amazing for taking the time to read my works and I hope you all fall in love with the characters in the way I do as I create these stories ♡♡♡