
Well I somehow got my short story finished in time. I felt a little bad that I was writing that instead of TBOM but I really wanted to try to participate in the competition. Win or lose its fun to participate. I will try to get writing TBOM soon. The next chapter might be up this next Friday. Im trying to give myself an hour of writing time a day and even that's hard lol. Well, kudos to all the writers who are able to balance everything so well. You inspire me and to anyone who has a little trouble like me, good luck to you. :3


Well I somehow got my short story finished in time. I felt a little bad that I was writing that instead of TBOM but I really wanted to try to participate in the competition. Win or lose its fun to participate. I will try to get writing TBOM soon. The next chapter might be up this next Friday. Im trying to give myself an hour of writing time a day and even that's hard lol. Well, kudos to all the writers who are able to balance everything so well. You inspire me and to anyone who has a little trouble like me, good luck to you. :3


Well okay time for explanation time. Lately I have been trying to get a job and have been super busy so my story writing time has kinda been little to non existent recently. For some reason i accidently published half of an unfinished chapter a few days ago so I'm sorry for that. As soon as life is a little more back on track i should be able to wright more. I really do enjoy writing and I can't wait to wright more, it's just been hard lately. I'll get back to writing regularly soon though. I hope this hasn't upset anyone 


            Thank you so much for understanding. I really appreciate it 


@ EmaLookaTheBazooka  Life is life. Good luck with getting a job! I'll see it when you get into writing again, no need to worry. :) 


This chapter did come out rather late and I'm sorry for that but hey look I did it! It was rather difficult but I'm happy with the results. This new chapter has my first attempt at an actual battle scene in this book so I hope it turns out okay! And just in case you read this before the chapter, that is as much detail as I'm going to give. Mwhehehhehe I'm evil. Enjoy though!


Welp its that time of week again, but sadly for anyone who actually reads these and/or cares I have a tiny announcement to make. I have been way to busy lately to wright it being the christmas season and all. I just have many responsibility's so that being said I only finished about half of the next chapter of TBOM. Next Saturday you will have a chapter for sure. As soon as the Holidays are over though, I should definitely be able to get back into writing. Its just been hard. I hope you understand dear reader. Bai!!! (≧∇≦)/


            Thank you so much for understanding. Merry Christmas to you too! If you celebrate it of course (^v^)


@ EmaLookaTheBazooka  Don't worry about it! We'll be patient, so don't feel obligated to rush. Merry Christmas! 