When you find your very old, middle school, high-key self insert story.
I was looking for it because I needed one of the characters so I can draw him with my high-key self insert with me so I can have at least one LGBTQ+ drawing this month before my birthday, and I've been wanting to draw them together for weeks, but I'm procrastinating. I found what I thought I was looking for just to remember there's 3, probably 4 versions of the story and each one Is different than the other and have different characters.
The one I was looking for was a story of Ember and her family and best friend being whisk away to fight a greater evil with other demigods... I think. Or was It just Ember and Cole, her best friend, that got whisked away? I DON"T REMEMBER. LOL.
The one I found is 8/10 not the one I needed to find. But most likely one of the only ones I could find.