
lolness, dw, im up near the 200's so ya know, and yea, I was so sad when jariya and asuma died. I felt so sorry for Shikamaru, and yea, i think its because naruto has grown up just like everyone else so he isnt as childish anymore XD bahahaha


ok, i will answer your questions in order XDXD
          1. naa, I don't have any siblings :( wish i did though XD
          2. well I've already done taikwondo so I'm an experianced fighter XD hmm, I would probably want to be famous although that would be a pain in the butt sometimes. AAAANNNDDD... hmmm, maybe be able to speak every language fluently, although that is immpossiible for me to do XD
          3. LOL i wouldnt stress over school, and I've descussed this with my grandma so she helped me pick :) I want to be eigther a high school english teacher r a primary schol teacher, as well as being a writer. Because writers can't rrly get by with JUST selling books you know?
          4. hmm, I've heard f Pocky but I havent seen it or anything, so I ont know what it'd talst like XDXDXD
          LOL have fun XD so now its Y question time XDXD
          1. S what do you wanna be? And I bet you wont be a fail at everything XD
          2. why are you stressing for school? (although I do too, stupid schol...)
          3. Don't you hink school is pretty much cihld labour?!?!?! I thought that was illegal!!!! O.O
          4. so whats your fav anime??? (ay have asked this already but o well :) )
          And thats bout it :) Ja ne XP


LOL ya, I hate it when that happens. My grandma's always like "Come and see this rrly nice lady. She'll love you!" And Ill be all awkward thinking "But will I like HER??? -_-'" lolness, and ya, I like anime better than manga but if theres a good one then Ill read it XD and I know!!! I would've been like "Uh, excuse me, but my button ist working. Get me another..." Naa, I would've been more polite but you knowwwww XDXDXD so how r your holidays so far??


hm, i hink im kinda insane in a way XD But i agree, fairy tail SHOULD be one of the popular anime's, when i read the summery i was like "Hmmm.... should i??? Eh, why not." Then iw atched it and I was hooked ^-^ And i also agree that a lot of awesome shows arn't very popular, nobody ever gives them a chance :( And lol, UFC (ultimate fighter) is what me and my dad watch together. LOL kinda weird, we sit in front of the TV watching 2 sweaty guys beat eachother to a pulp XDXD and LOL I listen to recomendations sometimes, what did you have to watch or listen too??? :P Lol, I wonder if this message is long or not.... hmmmmm... but LOL I'm reading Skeleton Creek as I'm writing, talk about multitasking XD It was pretty funny though, i was watching this kids show on ABC, it was a quiz show with these 3 kids on it. I was laughing all the way through because when the girl in the middle tried to put in an answer the butten wouldn't sound, then the other guy was buzz and get it right while she's standing there all awkward, you could just tell that she was angry XDXDXD but yea, ill go now. Ja ne :D


oh yess, id enter so manyy new words into that dictunary XD Or however you spell it :P and yess, that book is AWESOME XD I'm onto the 3rd one now, its funny because to me he's gone insane slightly XD and OoO Ichigo's final whatttt?!?!?! I havent bothered watching it because the 'save rukia' eps were taking too long, i should probably start watching it again eh? and no, I havent seen the show chuck, iv seen adss for it though, seems funny XD anyways, i think that this is also getting long XD back to watching fairy tail XD 
          ja ne :P


lolnesss (dances around happily/creepily) That is now a word XDXD but yaaaaaaaaay for youuuu my schools not over yet.... haven't even had my half yearly's (That is now a word) yet, and my opperation went well, my neck rrly hurts though, thanxs 4 askin, and my speech was pretty good, I got a 14 but it was short so i lost a point so it was brought down to 13 :( but oh well, AND I have 2 new books since the first one that i read was RRLY good. It made me jump sooooooooooooooo many times XDXD its one of those books were you gonto the internet once you get a password and you watch these clips that get sent to the character, so yea, I got the first and finished that in one afternoon, then i got the 2nd today and finished it in a couple of hours, now it's time for the 3rd XDXD It's rrly good, you should read it, Skeleton cree is the name of it. But yea. It would suck to have summer school. I probably wouldn't go XDXD but yea, ill go now XDXDXDXD kbiebie :P