
Peaches, well… It’s been a long time. 
          	As is typical with my chaotic life, another little wrench has been tossed in there. Approximately four months ago, my daughter found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and the very same day, moved back in with me along with my little grandson.   Now the tricky part…where to put them.  my youngest son is still in high school and my oldest son lives with us along with his girlfriend while they save money to buy land/build his house and warehouse for a business that he/I share. The only room available was my office so not only have I been displaced away from the computer I write with, considering she is also pregnant, we began a mad rush to convert half of our garage into a living space… before she gives birth in two weeks.  
          	I was ridiculously busy before and now it’s just so extreme, I have not even been on Wattpad but just a minute or two here and there and not even opened up messages, so I apologize if you have sent me a message and gotten no response. I’m hoping in another couple of months, I will be able to get back to writing.
          	I was hesitant to share only because having a grandson is a pretty telltale sign that I am not in my 30s. LOL. And sometimes, I think readers can be a bit put off if they know I am older because they find it harder to relate to me given the nature of my stories. I remember what it was like when I was younger and feeling disconnected from an older age group simply because I had no experience/understanding. It’s normal. So I didn’t want to take away from the reader experience, but it’s been so long, I think it’s more necessary to give an update on my life and what to expect for future chapters.  
          	I wish you all the best.  Much love, Emie 


          	  i remember reading it when i was younger, it was so well written. and i really loved coal :'] 
          	  and the explicit scenes were top tier,  i would love to buy the published book from you if your site was still up.


@EmelineRousselot Please tell me Coal and Heat disappearing is a sign you're coming back 


The fact that you are not a teen or 20 something shows in the maturity of your writing! I love it and am also no in my younger years hope all is well with your family. Sounds like our families are around the same age. Never a dull moment❤️ wouldn’t trade it for the world 
          	  All my best! 


Girl, I only remade a new Wattpad account after forgetting my old account password and email to come here to re-read I am only one. Please mi beg yuh fi put it back pon wattpad! I hope you’re either doing some re-edits to republish on Wattpad or you’re officially publishing because that masterpiece is meant to be shared. Either way, hope you’re okay but please give an update because the silence is killing meeeee


Please let us know you are alright  we miss you and i am only one  i would pay just to read it


Literally came here looking for it nd it’s gone 


Definitely would pay for a hard copy of this book!!! Please gimme gimme 


Yes where is it??


Hey Em the book I AM ONLY ONE has gotten me through my depression
          It was my comfort book
          It was my first vampire book I read on this platform
          I hope you're okay and that the book is being published, then in that case I'll buy it, doesn't matter the cost 
          However if it's not could we please have it back, you're a great author and it shows in your work 
          I would like to read it again,it brings me so much comfort 


Hello~ Was I am Only One removed ? I have periodically gone back to reread this story as it is one of my absolute favourite books and has seen me though tough times. I was in the middle of a reread and can no longer access the book. I’m so sorry to bother you (I normally never comment or post anywhere) but I am a little distraught at the thought of never being able to read the story again. I completely respect your decision one way or another but I truly hope you can re upload the book. It’s incredibly nostalgic for me and again, just genuinely some of the best writing I’ve ever had the joy to experience. I hope you are well !!


@EdibleCactus this is what i was wondering too! does anyone have a reply?