
'You know how it is. You put things off for a day, next thing you know it's a hundred years later.'
          	~The Doctor, "Arc of Infinity"


@EmeraldDraegon please don't wait 100 years to finish the Phantom story 


Why the devil does this stupid website keep turning my profile picture sideways?! I deliberately used a sideways picture hoping it would turn it, but NO. It would NOT. That's stupid! Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong??


@EmeraldDraegon LooooL oh man. I wish I could help you with that! 


Well, to Whom It May Concern: I'm going to be gone from WP for a while. I was trying to get another chapter up for my Phantom story, but I had to stop writing. Due to stupid life circumstances, I am not at home with my computer. Now there is a possibility that I may be going away for some work. This means I'll be gone for 2-3 weeks. My story will be labeled "On Hold" until mid-February. Until then, wishing you all the best! :)


Wow, ok... so unless some sort of freaky space-time-continuum thing is all messed up, I have been absent for far longer than stated. Because I'm preeeetty sure that from September to December is NOT one "week".
          Anywho, seems like I'm not the only one going on hiatus... I've seen a few who have abandoned writing in favor of preparing for the coming holidays. I am likely to remain inactive until next year as well, though I have been thinking about my stories. They certainly are not abandoned, just... on hold. While I get a grip back on my life.
          Thanks for understanding, you who read this. ;)