
Hello everyone, long time no see!! I just wanted to update everyone that I have a new account: wattpad.com/plsands I will be moving my works from here to there. If you have any questions please feel free to message me there.


Hello everyone, long time no see!! I just wanted to update everyone that I have a new account: wattpad.com/plsands I will be moving my works from here to there. If you have any questions please feel free to message me there.


Hello!! my readers!! Don't worry I'm still here and breathing xD Just have a lot going on at this very moment. :< Don't want you tho think I've left you all high and dry. Nonetheless I have been keeping up with my novel and I promise once my situation(s) are resolved I will be updating like a man woman!!!!


Just a friendly reminder I have no internet at the moment so I'm trapped using my phone to upload u.u anyone who is anyone will know the pain of such a thing, so don't worry I haven't forgotten you guys! Working hard to make sure the next few chapters are great =) just sit tight oh and if you haven't checkout project epsilon my entry for the Harlequin romance competition!  Tell me what you think about the first chapter is it good? Wanna see more? ;) 


So to the readers I know I haven't updated in a while mostly due to genuine laziness LOL but that's only because I write my chapters then type 'em ikr?! LOL anyhow I have several and I mean SEVERAL chapters waiting to be posted so you know what that means!!!! Mass upload week =D get ready for things to finally start picking up and also check out my new up coming book especially done for the Harlequin Romance Novel Competition!!