
In Darksiders Survivors, you might be wondering why the font is always bold for the Charred Council when they speak? Well it's simple really. The Abomination Vault novel did the exact same thing.


Doing my best not to get stuck, the next chapter of Darksiders Survivors has been tricky so far but I can assure you I am still working on it, I want this moment to be special for those of you who enjoyed the third game.


@Chase270 I am trying and it always upsets me when readers push for updates when my real fans will be patient and not bug me because I have a life outside of this and hitting a rut is normal. Thank you for your support.


@darklordi Thank you, I am glad the story has been a huge success, and I don't think it's just due to the budding romance but also how much detail I've put into it based on my knowledge from playing the games and reading the one and only novel. I always seem to overthink some scenes and then I realize it doesn't need to be too complex.


@Emi-Didact *sigh* at least you're trying, EMI. I hit a rut and the engine stalled, can't find the motivation to work on my own stories these days... just make sure that wherever your writings lead is somewhere you're satisfied with. You got this!


I love having these breakthrough ideas come to me on a whim. For a while I didn't know what to do about the latest chapter of Metal Thunder and then it hit me as something that happens in the game. I've been taking a lot of things from the game and adding it to this story.


Rampage will return.
          I'm undoing what THQ did because Fury deserved better.


@darklordi Happy to have her steed and you. 


@Emi-Didact Yeah, bring Rampage to my Fury so she can be happy.


Apologies if I had to delete a few statuses lately. This morning I received some rather harsh criticism from another user which I will not name. They accused me of being rude and disrespectful to my followers for choosing not to accept story requests and posting about telling them to write the story themselves.
          Let me make this clear. It is my decision to not take requests and only focus on what I want to write, especially since I'm busy and would rather use what precious free time I do have to focus on my own writing ambitions. I am simply reminding people that I don't do this but also encouraging them that if you have a very specific idea for a story, the fact that you were able to come up with it shows to me that you are more than capable of writing it yourself than you think.
          This person also continueously called me "dude" when I asked them to stop, and would not listen when I tried to explain that I am not disrespectful to my fans. I try to be as kind as possible to my followers but if they continue to pester me for more frequent updates to a certain story or for a story request, then sometimes I have to be firm to get them to understand. This person went on to say my writing is terrible to a point that it's funny and can't wait for my next story. What the hell? That doesn't make sense! If I genuinely don't like a story, or someone's writing style, I don't say anything and stop reading, it's common sense. This person has been muted and I want no association with them.
          If you want to take story requests from other readers because it feels it helps you grow your fanbase and their trust in you, by all means. But, I will not accept anyone lecturing me for the decisions I make here, accusing me of certain behaviour, and also why are you wasting your time reading my work if you don't like my writing style. No fanfiction on Wattpad is written like Tolkien's work. Leave. Now.


@Emi-Didact I'm all with you, Emily, always. Don't hesitate to come and tell me if someone bothers you again, I will come.